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Recent activity files on cache

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When I first start using UNRAID, I thought that recently accessed files were copied to the ssd cache for faster access...

No I seem to understand that it is not de case... Newly created files are on cache, but are moved to the long term storage on a schedule...


Is there a feature that copies files to the cache when they are accessed to speed-up load times (example, my Steam library or kdenlive media files.



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On 4/23/2020 at 9:12 PM, jonathanm said:


I love this answer... Short, precise... straight to the point :D


But say I have some files on that slow HDD array that I would like to keep there, but when files are frequently accessed, I wand them to copy to the cache drive... And then, If the file has not been accessed in x amount of time, it flushes itself from the cache...
How can I achieve that? Someone knows?

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1 hour ago, Normand_Nadon said:

I love this answer... Short, precise... straight to the point :D


But say I have some files on that slow HDD array that I would like to keep there, but when files are frequently accessed, I wand them to copy to the cache drive... And then, If the file has not been accessed in x amount of time, it flushes itself from the cache...
How can I achieve that? Someone knows?

Not with Unraid array and cache.


I believe ZFS has tier storage that may be the solution. There's a ZFS plugin for Unraid if you are comfortable with command line and ZFS.

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I am comfortable with the terminal, only, I kept away from ZFS all this time as I thought it was a huge monster with 78 arms and pointy teeth for us, mere mortals...
Also, I thought that one of the goals of using UNRAID, was to avoid ZFS in the first place... I should stop getting my information from unreliable places :D

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