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[SOLVED] Share changed name, but now does not match the mount point

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Hi everyone,


I have a folder named 'media' which obviously is mounted to /mnt/user/media but at some point, the first letter of the share was capitalized so the share is now 'Media'.

All my data is still in /mnt/user/media but I can't change the share to point to this mount point.


I could try and recreate the 'media' share and hope that it would somehow pick up the existing folder structure, but I have a lot of stuff mapped to the 'media' share and worse, I fear UNRAID might just delete the existing mount point and all the data.


Any ideas?

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Under Linux file/folders are case sensitive so ‘media’ is not the same as ‘Media’.    If both exist then Sambe can pick up either (and the other will be hidden).     You will have to correct this by going in at the Linux level I am afraid.   You can use something like the ‘mc’ (Midnight Commander) from the command line, or a docker container such as Krusader to achieve this.   You can also use raw Linux commands :)


you probably need to work out what caused you to have different capatilsarion to stop it occurring again in the future


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9 hours ago, trurl said:

Almost certainly this happened when you specified a path with the wrong case in a docker mapping or somewhere.

You're absolutely right. tdarr defaults to using /mnt/user/Media.


I got it working again - just for future reference, I'll note what I did:


Removed the offending docker container
Removed the "wrong" 'Media' share

Recreated the 'media' share


All my files and subfolders were available.


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10 minutes ago, spazoid said:

You're absolutely right. tdarr defaults to using /mnt/user/Media.


I got it working again - just for future reference, I'll note what I did:


Removed the offending docker container
Removed the "wrong" 'Media' share

Recreated the 'media' share


All my files and subfolders were available.


If you want to continue using tdarr docker then make sure you change the path to match how your Unraid system is actually set up.

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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Share changed name, but now does not match the mount point

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