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Disks missing after Upgrade

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Today i upgraded from version 6.6.7 to 6.8.3 and now all disks except the cache & boot drives are missing.

I've checked the hardware and rebooted the unraid server twice but that didn't change much.

My Hardware: (shouldn't be faulty as all was working fine before the update)
HP Microserver gen10
4 Hotswap slots (3 HDDS / 1 SSD)

I tried to upgrade to 6.7.x or something several months ago and had the same problems.
And now my plan on rolling back to 6.6.7 and wait for a newer version has not have worked out. :D
Any ideas how i can fix this?





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Like this?


default menu.c32
menu title Lime Technology, Inc.
prompt 0
timeout 50
label unRAID OS
  menu default
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot amd_iommu=pt
label unRAID OS GUI Mode
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui
label unRAID OS Safe Mode (no plugins, no GUI)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot unraidsafemode
label unRAID OS GUI Safe Mode (no plugins)
  kernel /bzimage
  append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui unraidsafemode
label Memtest86+
  kernel /memtest

Edit: tried it with that parameter but that changed nothing.

Edit2: tired "iommu=soft" and now my disks / arrays are back 🙌

Should I be concerned about using this parameter?

Edited by slothinger
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hm i just noticed that only the docker tab is extremely slow, it needs more than 30 sec to list all my containers.(with all icons gone)
Before the update they showed up instantly...
Tested some of them and it seems that they are working as usual.

Do you think its because of the soft parameter?

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1 hour ago, slothinger said:

list all my containers.(with all icons gone)

Do you mean it isn't showing the icons for your containers?


The default shares for your dockers and VMs, appdata, domains, and system, are not configured ideally. They have files on the array, and in fact appdata and domains are configured to not use cache, though they do have files on cache.


Ideally, you want each of these shares to have all their files on cache, and configured to stay on cache, so your docker and VM performance won't be impacted by the slower parity writes, and so they won't keep array disks spinning.


Possibly you installed cache after you had already enabled dockers and VMs, so those got created on the array. But you also apparently changed the cache setting for appdata and domains since these are normally configured as cache-prefer.


If you want to move these to cache, there are a few steps to get that done. Let me know and we can work through it.

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On 4/30/2020 at 2:48 PM, slothinger said:

Yep, every container uses images/question.png as icon since the update.


hm yeah i think the cache drive was installed afterwards but until now i thought this is the default...

Would be nice to have them on the ssd but why was it no problem before the update?


I'm kinda in the same boat. If I turn off iommu in the bios of my hp Microserver the disks are seen without an issue. I am going to see if there is any other work around or maybe I change to the gen 10 plus. If you're in warranty you can try flashing firmware from HP. I bought mine refurbished so sadly HP has locked updates unless I pay for them.

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5 hours ago, Xbgt1 said:

I'm kinda in the same boat. If I turn off iommu in the bios of my hp Microserver the disks are seen without an issue. I am going to see if there is any other work around or maybe I change to the gen 10 plus. If you're in warranty you can try flashing firmware from HP. I bought mine refurbished so sadly HP has locked updates unless I pay for them.

Since when do you have to pay for a firmware update?

Do yo mean something different then the firmware /bios update from here:

But thats a good tip, i'll try that!


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On 5/2/2020 at 10:33 AM, Xbgt1 said:

I'm kinda in the same boat. If I turn off iommu in the bios of my hp Microserver the disks are seen without an issue. I am going to see if there is any other work around or maybe I change to the gen 10 plus. If you're in warranty you can try flashing firmware from HP. I bought mine refurbished so sadly HP has locked updates unless I pay for them.

You are my hero! The bios update fixed it! Now the disks appearing without the iommu parameter. 🙌


Just the docker tab stayed really slow, which wasn't the case when i was using the unraid gui mode (without network connection) today.
The version column shows "not available" instead of the version, also after starting the container...
Tried it with different browsers + clearing the cache. 

any ideas on that problem?

Edit: I checked the routing table and found a wrong route, which definitely wasn't a problem before the update.

deleting this route solved the problem and the docker tab is acting as it should again.

Edited by slothinger
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