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[SOLVED] Web GUI broken - php errors everywhere after binhex-preclear / Dynamix?

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Posted (edited)

Hi I have a fresh install of unRaid (my 2nd server) and from complete stock all I've done is set up an encrypted array (1 drive, no parity).


I installed a few plugins (CA, Dynamix stack, perl from Nerd Tools for the system temps plugin) and had just the DuckDNS docker. All fine and then I installed binhex-preclear, when the docker finished pulling and the page loaded something seems to be causing PHP errors all over my GUI.


It looks like all the PHP errors are coming from Dynamix, but I'm not sure it's this that was causing them, I know both Dynamix and Binhex's work is usually solid. I had just installed the Dynamix plugins and I had clicked around a bit but didn't get the errors until Preclear finished installing - I've also got all of these same plugins running on my other unRaid box with no issues.


I've tried removing the plugins, but it won't let me. Also tried booting Safe mode with no Plugins and all the errors are still there.


Attaching diagnostics and. screenshots (all my unRaid pages look like that now)


Thank you for any help!!

Screenshot 2020-05-05 at 07.45.35.png

PS the first error that is covered by the banner is:


Warning: parse_ini_file(/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg): failed to open stream: Success in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22


Some other ones from around the GUI:




Warning: parse_ini_file(/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg): failed to open stream: Success in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22

Warning: array_replace_recursive(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, bool given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php on line 22

Warning: extract() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DeviceList.php on line 24


Edited by smkings

Ze diagnostics are after you've rebooted.  But what happened though from your description is that your flash drive either had problems or dropped offline.  I would reseat it in the port (you will have to shutdown to do this), and then monitor the situation.


It has nothing to do with installing preclear


thanks Squid! And thanks for all the awesome work you do on CA!


No I didn't think it would have been since well respected plugins and running fine on my other box of course.


I've tried the following:


- Boot to safe mode

- Uninstall all plugins and docker containers

- Power down and move the usb drive to a different slot


No luck... I had actually just finished formatting the USB sticks again because before this I was rebooting and it wasn't booting from the usb drive at all. It was saying it couldn't find the ethernet adapter but actually it wasn't finding any of the boot files.


I've been using the manual method to create the USBs so maybe there is something wrong with that....or something wrong with the drive (brand new Sandisk 32GB).


I guess I can just re-create it again, it's a new build and I haven't done anything with it is so it's not too much hassle. Worrying if this keeps happening though.

Posted (edited)

I couldn't fix this so I recreated the boot USB and started again.


Unfortunately the exact same thing happened right after the binhex-preclear docker completed (successfully). As soon as I hit "Done" this is what I get:




Everything was solid until then...


Diagnostics attached without rebooting this time:






My /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/Wrappers.php looks like this:


  GNU nano 4.6                                            Wrappers.php                                                       
/* Copyright 2005-2018, Lime Technology
 * Copyright 2012-2018, Bergware International.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
$docroot = $docroot ?? $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ?: '/usr/local/emhttp';

// Wrapper functions
function parse_plugin_cfg($plugin, $sections=false, $scanner=INI_SCANNER_NORMAL) {
  global $docroot;
  $ram = "$docroot/plugins/$plugin/default.cfg";
  $rom = "/boot/config/plugins/$plugin/$plugin.cfg";
  $cfg = file_exists($ram) ? parse_ini_file($ram, $sections, $scanner) : [];
  return file_exists($rom) ? array_replace_recursive($cfg, parse_ini_file($rom, $sections, $scanner)) : $cfg;
function parse_cron_cfg($plugin, $job, $text = "") {
  $cron = "/boot/config/plugins/$plugin/$job.cron";
  if ($text) file_put_contents($cron, $text); else @unlink($cron);
function agent_fullname($agent, $state) {
  switch ($state) {
    case 'enabled' : return "/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/notifications/agents/$agent";
    case 'disabled': return "/boot/config/plugins/dynamix/notifications/agents-disabled/$agent";
    default        : return $agent;




Edited by smkings
  • smkings changed the title to (SOLVED) Web GUI broken - php errors everywhere after binhex-preclear / Dynamix?



CA Appdata Backup / Restore did not work for me to fix this unfortunately


Solution: Remove and re-create boot drive for the second time. Do not install binhex-preclear (as much as I love their other dockers!)

  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Web GUI broken - php errors everywhere after binhex-preclear / Dynamix?

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