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Missing SMB shares and slow Parity sync

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I really miss SMB shares they just disappered one day.  I have tried safe mode, rebooting, scrubing btfrs files nothing brings them back!!!


I have tried running crushftp server through secure webdav but that is slow.  Only 8-16mb.    I was getting 60mb with SMB.


The cache drive is still filling up either method which is weird and windows only sees TOWER and not the files.   The files are all there!


Also parity sync takes 16 days to finish, but I think it is because I am using external drives.  I want faster then 7.7mb Parity sync people say they get 90mb  on the forums. 


Please help and give detailed instructions on how to fix this!  I have included my file to the forums.


Also unraid is not reading my new esata drive that is hooked to my pci card.




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Sounds like the usual Win10 SMB issues.  You should start by reading this thread.  Read the first page for the general SMB recommendations.   The most recent solutions to specific WIN10 problems can be found by reading backwards from the end of the thread.  (This is a never ending issue as MS keeps changing SMB settings to increase security in the corporate world.)




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23 minutes ago, Bandit_King said:

why  can't connect to tower anymore its giving 169 address instead of 192?

You have four IP addresses assigned to the four Ethernet ports that Unraid sees:


I am no networking Guru but they are  all static addresses so you must have had a hand in setting them up...

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Start the terminal from the GUI  (It is the    >_    icon on the toolbar) and type the following command:

ls -al /mnt/user0

Copy the output and post it your next post.  Be sure to format the output as 'Code'  (The   </>  in the edit-post box of this forum.)  You should have something like this:

root@Rose:~# ls -al /mnt/user0
total 4
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   75 Jun  1 09:23 ./
drwxr-xr-x 9 root   root   180 Jun  1 09:13 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  281 May 13 17:09 Backup/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  273 Nov  6  2017 CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4096 Aug 27  2019 Media/


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