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where is Appdata default setting?

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I noticed that I have two folders on the cache for appdata (one is Apps which it seems to have been defaulting to and Appdata with an empty data folder).

where is the default set so I can consolidate to only one "appdata" folder?

will it harm any dockers to switch them to appdata from apps?





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Your Docker settings are in:


Settings>Docker>Default appdata storage location


The default unRAID location for app data is '/mnt/user/appdata/' and this share is then usually set to cache preferred so it never sits on your array.


I would guess that you probably changed this on setup to something like '/mnt/user/Apps' but have since installed a few containers and not changed the default config location which then in turn created the default appdata folder/share again.


What I would do is this (I assume that you haven't also changed the path of your docker image file and that is also not contained in your App share - if it is you will have to deal with that too - and that the only thing you have in your Apps share is working container config folders):


- stop Docker;

- change the default appdata storage location in Docker settings to the default /mnt/user/appdata/

- check the share properties of the appdata share to ensure it is either cache only or cache preffeed (as is the unRAID default)

- move all your folders from your App share to your appdata share

- turn off autostart on any containers you have

- start docker

- check that each config path is set to the appdata path and not the App path

- start your containers

- set them back to start automatically if required

- delete your empty Apps share if required


All your containers should then be working fine from the appdata share and you are less likely to miss changing the default location when installing new containers.

Edited by danioj
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6 minutes ago, danioj said:

Your Docker settings are in:


Settings>Docker>Default appdata storage location


The default unRAID location for app data is '/mnt/user/appdata/' and this share is then usually set to cache preferred so it never sits on your array.


I would guess that you probably changed this on setup to something like '/mnt/user/Apps' but have since installed a few containers and not changed the default config location which then in turn created the default app data folder again.


What I would do is this (I assume that you haven't also changed the path of your docker image file and that is also not contained in your App share - if it is you will have to deal with that too - and that the only thing you have in your Apps share is working container config folders):


- stop docker;

- change the location in Docker settings to the default /mnt/user/appdata/

- move all your folders from your App share to your appdata share

- turn off autostart on any containers you have

- check that their config path is set to the appdata path and not the App path

- check the share properties of the appdata share to ensure it is either cache only or cached preffeed (as is the unRAID default)

- restart docker

- start your containers

- set them back to start automatically if required

- delete your empty Apps share if required


All your containers should then be working fine from the appdata share and you are less likely to miss changing the default location when installing new containers.

This is likely exactly what happened, must have done it a long time ago and forgot...


I will work on fixing it now.



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3 minutes ago, brbones said:

This is likely exactly what happened, must have done it a long time ago and forgot...


I will work on fixing it now.




No worries.


Note, I just switched the order of the steps around a little just so you check the share properties of the appdata share before copying data.

Edited by danioj
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