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SMB stops working when updating to UNRAID 6.8

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Earlier this year I updated my UNRAID server to 6.8 from 6.7 and my SMB shares stopped working, so I googled and found nothing that worked. So I downgraded back to 6.7 where SMB workes great! Now, yesterday I got a critical error in UNRAID which made me need to reinstall UNRAID and create a whole new USB-drive, so I just copied over the config files to the new USB-stick. Now I'm back on 6.8.3 and SMB isn't working again, this time I can't downgrade though. When I go to Tools > Update OS, there is no downgrade option.

Either way that is not the problem I want to fix, I need SMB to work since I use it for all my work and always work straight towards the server. I have tried everything that I can find on Google and I'm sure it's not a Windows 10 security option since it doesn't work on any operating system. It doesn't work on Windows 10, Ubuntu or Mac OS X.



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Again this is a general support issue, but looking at the diags you have something crashing Samba:

Jun 23 13:24:07 KNORRHANE kernel: traps: smbd[19654] general protection ip:149efb96af94 sp:7fff9501b5e0 error:0 in ld-2.30.so[149efb95f000+20000]
Jun 23 13:24:07 KNORRHANE root: /etc/rc.d/rc.samba: line 12: 19654 Segmentation fault      /usr/sbin/smbd -D

Start by booting in safe mode, and if you need more help please start a thread in the general support forum.

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