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Unraid wireless AG support?

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7 hours ago, CSIG1001 said:

I think I read a year or two ago Unraid does not support wireless adapters or cards based off linux?


Living in a big house with stucco and finished basement would be a pain to run a network , whats the best option?

I've got bad news for you. Stucco and wifi are a bad combo, the wire lath that the stucco uses and the amount of moisture that stucco absorbs pretty much kills wifi.


Your best option is to drill through the floors and walls for ethernet and run wires behind trim pieces.

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Is it easy to swap a cpu and mobo or does unraid need a full reinstall and syncing of drives?
Get a screen shot of your drive assignments, especially parity and cache, then go to town. When you boot up the new machine from the same USB stick, the most you should have to do is reassign drives, but you shouldn't even have to do that.

Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk

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