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WebUI not Starting

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Hello!  I posted to the reddit community already and they recommended posting here.  (just a note, this is my 4th Unraid server build, and all the rest have been fine.  I have no idea why this one is giving me problems.  All help is appreciated! :D)


I got two usb sticks with the intention of mirroring them as a redundant measure.  I downloaded the Unraid installer program.  It did not pick up my USB as a valid install location.  I found the instructions on how to install it manually via the zip option instead.  I followed the instructions, formatted the drive properly with the correct all caps name and stuff.  (I have tried wiping and doing this with both drives with the same outcome)


I throw the usb into the server and boot it and it boots fine.  I get to the screen that says Tower:.  I type in the ip address (I've tried adding http:// and https:// at the beginning with no effect) into my browser and nothing comes back.  I can ping the ip just fine from my windows pc and I get responses.  I tried typing df into my Unraid terminal and have confirmed that it boots properly.


I tried booting to the Unraid GUI version.  When it boots it auto pulls up the web browser and automatically goes to localhost, but still nothing would show up.  I was able to navigate the internet with the web browser and didn't have problems connecting anywhere else.  I did notice that my date & time were not correct, so I fixed it both in Unraid and the BIOS.


I have no idea what to do to fix this as I've tried both of the USB sticks and got the same result.  It seems to me like the web server isn't starting on boot for whatever reason.  Does anyone know how to manually start the web server?  Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks! 

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8 minutes ago, TheSamDickey said:

I will eventually have them both plugged in and mirrored.

Don't do this. How did you actually expect to do the "mirroring"?


Only plug in one, and make a backup when you make any significant changes in the webUI. You can download a zipped backup at any time directly from the webUI, and there is also a plugin that will make a scheduled backup.


You absolutely do not want to have 2 flash drives both labeled UNRAID plugged in at the same time.

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