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How to max the file transfer speed in UnRaid without using cache?

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I am a newbie and still got a lot of questions on UnRaid.


1)      Can UnRaid install in a old harddisk instead of booting from USB?

2)      If 1) is impossible, what if my USB die? Do I need to pay for the license again?

3)      As UnRaid is not using Raid when writing file and hence I think the file transfer speed will be limited by the max. transfer rate of harddisk, other than using cache, are there any way to make UnRaid got better file transfer rate?

4)      Any deduplication function in UnRaid


Thanks All

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3. Read speed is limited by the speed of the drive on which the file is stored. Write speed in reconstruct write (aka turbo write) is limited by the slowest disk in the array. Write speed in normal mode is roughly half the slowest disk in the array. Cache only improves write speed but never read.

4. No dedup. It aint ZFS



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