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Dockers running during parity check

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Had a quick look in the forum, but haven't seen anything here or in the unraid documentation.


I run a bunch of containers, but one I'd like kept enabled during the scheduled parity check is pi-hole, since it affects my whole network during as everything gets disabled. I don't mind about any others, as they can wait, & I get that anything which downloads/adds new data to the array could affects the parity. However, is it absolutely necessary to have all dockers disabled during a scheduled parity check? Can the check still be done if I manually enable pi-hole?

(My check is almost done, but I don't want to try it in case it starts it over!🤣)

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I did not think that docker containers were automatically stopped during a parity check - have you checked this is happening?  Docker containers are typically run off the flash drive so are largely unaffected by a parity check.


Any array operation is allowed to proceed when a parity check is running as long as one is happy to accept the performance hit.


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That's weird then, it's definitely stock unraid I'm using... but I think I've figured it out.


I've got CA auto update installed, and it's set to check/update at midnight, which is also when the monthly parity check is scheduled to start. Would this overlap be an issue with it all happening at same time? Not sure why it would cause my containers to be stopped though.

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2 hours ago, xxDeadbolt said:

That's weird then, it's definitely stock unraid I'm using... but I think I've figured it out.


I've got CA auto update installed, and it's set to check/update at midnight, which is also when the monthly parity check is scheduled to start. Would this overlap be an issue with it all happening at same time? Not sure why it would cause my containers to be stopped though.

Yes - CA Auto Update stops containers while it is running.   There are reported instances of it then not always restarting them on completion.

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