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Folding at Home Folding Thread.


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I am starting a specific FaH thread to inform, compete and maybe share stories related to the diseases that FaH Support.


At the moment the Unraid team is at 115th place, just ahead of Dell. Top 100 is a nice short term goal. Active "Folders" are 141. What does take wake up 100 or so of the 1,220 Inactive users? I know, cost of electrisity. Authum is here and a good server a nice heater. I am running my server at max Folding, including both gpu`s. The old server is running as well.


Feel free to share.





Screenshot 2020-09-12 221912.png

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Don't really understand why we need to push these applications (folding at home and boinc).  After all, I thought that the President of the United States himself has announced that there was absolutely nothing to worry about with regards to Covid-19, that every thing was completely under control, and that those 190,000 deaths so far in the US was just "it is what it is"...


Shouldn't we trust the President?  I mean wasn't his uncle some scientist or something, and doesn't that make Trump a genius?


Myself, I think that he's completely trust worthy and truly, honestly deserves to be el-Presidente for life, because he really represents exactly what Merika is all about.

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So @DarphBobo, nobody really cares about politics, your political view, your satire, innuendo, or anything else.  There is no light discussion when it comes to politics, and whichever side of the fence you are on your side is always right and the other side is always wrong, no compromise.  


This thread was about the FAH app so keep the discussion there.  Why do people push these apps?  Because it makes them feel good and like they are contributing to something greater.  Does anyone really do anything with the results of these apps?  Probably not.  Way back in the day I ran SETI@Home for a little while... nice graphics to looks at..... we never found aliens (allegedly).  Are any of the dozens of pharma companies working with Covid going to see what FAH is producing for data? I highly doubt it. Would you take a vaccine if it was developed from "data on FAH from some random person's computer somewhere told us".. I'm not sure that's part of the scientific method of research and development.


Maybe I'm wrong.



But I'm not.



Trump for life.

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14 hours ago, Energen said:

So @DarphBobo, nobody really cares about politics, your political view, your satire, innuendo, or anything else.  There is no light discussion when it comes to politics, and whichever side of the fence you are on your side is always right and the other side is always wrong, no compromise.  


This thread was about the FAH app so keep the discussion there.  Why do people push these apps?  Because it makes them feel good and like they are contributing to something greater.  Does anyone really do anything with the results of these apps?  Probably not.  Way back in the day I ran SETI@Home for a little while... nice graphics to looks at..... we never found aliens (allegedly).  Are any of the dozens of pharma companies working with Covid going to see what FAH is producing for data? I highly doubt it. Would you take a vaccine if it was developed from "data on FAH from some random person's computer somewhere told us".. I'm not sure that's part of the scientific method of research and development.


Maybe I'm wrong.



But I'm not.



Trump for life.

Do you have any information about the usage of the folded data? It sure makes be feel good to contribute, but I would like to understand the usage a bit better.

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3 hours ago, frodr said:

Do you have any information about the usage of the folded data? It sure makes be feel good to contribute, but I would like to understand the usage a bit better.

Nah, I know nothing.. I guess you can only go by what is said on the website.  And maybe I'm wrong.. maybe it does contribute to 'something'.  Here's what they said about an Ebola FAH thing..


These results demonstrate simulations’ power to characterize hidden conformations and dynamics, uncovering cryptic pockets and allostery that present new therapeutic opportunities.


If you can understand any of that, the FAH data did 'something'... but whether or not it's anything real useful is a mystery.  


So it's probably all about who's looking at the data .. does FAH have some direct link to any major pharma companies if they discovered anything?


Our recent focus on Covid19, Coronavirus research together with outreach from our community and partners like: Nvidia, PCMR, Github, Razer, Intel, Ubisoft and more.

Has led to some interest from the media.


Some interest from the media... sounds astonishingly valuable to AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer, Sanofi, etc.


I'm just being cynical, it's probably useful.  Keep at it!

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Huntington's disease (HD), also known as Huntington's chorea, is an inherited disorder that results in the death of brain cells. The earliest symptoms are often subtle problems with mood or mental abilities. A general lack of coordination and an unsteady gait often follow.[3] As the disease advances, uncoordinated, jerky body movements become more apparent. Physical abilities gradually worsen until coordinated movement becomes difficult and the person is unable to talk. Mental abilities generally decline into dementia.[4] The specific symptoms vary somewhat between people. Symptoms usually begin between 30 and 50 years of age but can start at any age.


In other words, people with this disease grow into a vegetable while staying alive and finally dies from it. I rather be eaten alive by lions.  No cure for this terrible disease.


Why do I copy this text from Wikipedia? My cousin, Gunnar, suffers from HD. I used to spend a week every Summer at my Aunts house. They live close by the mountains in the middle of Norway. I did long trail biking into the wild, and  in the afternoon Gunnar  and I used to watch Tour de France. Nice memories. Every now and then I talk to my cousin by phone, but lately I can hardly understand anything. I say "yes, yes" even if I don`t understand. Gunnar been ill for 10 years now, soon he will need help to eat. Later he will not be able to swallow and finally he will die.


This is the reason I fold. And hope that it will contribute to a cure for HD. So other "Gunnars" will be able to live.










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