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Replacing old parity drive with error and adding a second parity drive


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Hey Guys,


Have been searching this for a while so wanted to know what is the best way of doing this.


What I want to do is replace the Parity drive from one 4TB to two 8TB drives. Whats the best way to do this.

I am expanding the parity now to 2x8TB so I can then replace the 4TB data drives to 8TB when and if they start failing at a later stage and this will give me an option to add larger drives later.


Below is my current structure.

Parity Drive - 4TB (Reported uncorrect 1)

Disk 1 - 4TB

Disk 2 - 4TB (UDMA CRC error count 1)

Disk 3 - 4TB (Raw read error rate 125) So i suspect this is failing.

Disk 4 - 2TB

Disk 5 - 2TB

Disk 6 - 4TB

Disk 7 - 4TB


Also confused about the Disk 2 and 3 errors as some forums suggest that it might just be a loose cable. 

If I replace and expand the parity 1st and if the errors in Disk 2 and Disk 3 are serious. I worry I might loose that data.


Attached is the diagnostics report in case anyone wants to look at it.




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Thanks for the recommendation @JorgeB & @trurl.


The wiki link gave me an idea.

What I might do is actually swap the Disk3 4TB with a new 4TB that I am getting as an advance replacement from WD for the Parity drive.

Following https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_a_Data_Drive

Is there a better way to just copy the data from disk 3 to the new disk 3 without having to rebuild from parity? Just so i don't strain other drives in the process.



Once that is done I will proceed with the just removing the current parity drive and adding two new 8TB ones and rebuilding the parity.


Do let me know if I am not going the right way :)



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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Not if the disk is really failing, it can't correct any read errors, best to just do a standard rebuild.

Yep that is true. But at this moment the parity is not in the best possible state either. Hence wanted to check if I rebuild will the parity be able to take up the extra read and writes with the error it currently has. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/23/2020 at 9:50 PM, JorgeB said:

Not if the disk is really failing, it can't correct any read errors, best to just do a standard rebuild.

I didn't do a dd and thought to go straight for a standard rebuild as suggested.

But I received 256 errors. These errors come from the Parity drive I believe.  I have never done a rebuild before. If anyone can shed a light if these 256 errors is considered huge in number and if there is anyway to check which data was corrupted?


I still have the old Disk 3 from the list above which I unassigned and have not yet erased the data from.


I have attached the recent diagnostics


Any help would Be appreciated @JorgeB @trurl


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4 minutes ago, Nitesh said:

Does that mean that the new disk3 that was rebuilt has some data missing? or corrupt?

Yep, some corruption is expected, unless by luck the failed blocks did not contain any data on the rebuilt disk.


3 minutes ago, Nitesh said:

Ran SMART test. Errors occurred

Disk is failing and needs to be replaced.


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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

Yep, some corruption is expected, unless by luck the failed blocks did not contain any data on the rebuilt disk.


Disk is failing and needs to be replaced.


Yep I knew that was happening. I just wanted to check two things


1) Anyway to check what the corrupt data was. As I still have the old disk3 from which I am hoping to replace this from. That is if it is possible.

2) that it would be safe for me to go ahead and rebuild the parity from scratch after the newly rebuilt disk3 had errors while rebuilding.

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8 minutes ago, Nitesh said:

1) Anyway to check what the corrupt data was. As I still have the old disk3 from which I am hoping to replace this from. That is if it is possible.

You can compare files between the disks, though if there are any read errors on the old disk you won't be able to compare those.


10 minutes ago, Nitesh said:

2) that it would be safe for me to go ahead and rebuild the parity from scratch after the newly rebuilt disk3 had errors while rebuilding.

Yes, some data on disk3 might be corrupt but parity would be valid.

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