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Drive fell out of the array but I think I messed up re adding it


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Hi Guys,

So I had a drive fall out of the pool array and the parity kicked it.  I searched through the logs and couldnt find a definitive reason why and I noticed the /sd of the drive had changed for some reason.


I stopped the array removed the disk from the array (disk 2).


All good in emulated mode so far and no data loss


Then I stopped the array again and added the disk back as drive 3.


I was prompted the drive needed clearing, so i said yes.  Then I was prompted the disk needed formatting, again I said OK.


I was under the impression this would rebuild the array but instead its added another drive to the array and the missing disk still appears to be emulated still.  Any ideas on what to do next?



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34 minutes ago, trurl said:

The only good thing about all the wrong things you did was you didn't format the emulated disk. Best to ask before making things up without really knowing what to do.

Hehe yes that would have been fun!  I was following some kind of documentation that was talking about re adding a disk that had dropped that you know was still good.  Obviously I didn't follow it as closely as I should have.  I was on work calls at the same time!


This is my learning box based off of a HP Gen 8 I had lying around.  I wanted to learn more about UNRAID before building a proper replacement for my DSM 1815+, which is sill my primary NAS.

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