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[SOLVED] How to nuke an unRAID install without loosing data on array?

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Hello. I've been using the same unRAID install for almost 3 years now and unfortunately I've finally reached a point where I think I have to do a full reset and start over again since I can't seem to find a solution to my issue.


Short sidestory: I'm running 3 Windows Server 2016 VMs on my server: a domain controller, an application server that I use for work related applications, and a "main desktop" machine that I use for daily work related stuff like Outlook, Teamviewer etc. For whatever reason, if only this last VM is _not_ running my server will always eventually freeze, anywhere between from 30 minutes to 12 hours after booting the server/shutting down the VM. I've already disabled autostart for all VMs and that issue still occurs. I've searched far and wide and couldn't find a solution and I'm also not a Linux guru so I don't really know where to look to begin with. There's never any information in the syslog from when the freeze occurs, the server will just completely halt and not respond and all I can do is a hard reset.


So to get back on topic: How would I go about creating a completely fresh unRAID install without losing the data on my array? Is it just a matter of completely formatting the same thumb drive, installing unRAID on it again and then just adding the drives back into the array? Are there any tutorials on that out there?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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I attached the diagnostics. I've tried many things already like disabling all Dockers, disabling libvirt, swapping RAM, the issue keeps happening. As soon as it crashes even the screen is frozen and only a hard reset works. I've ordered some cables and adapters to hook up the serial port to a separate PC to see if it spits out a kernel panic or something but the stuff will take a day or two until it arrives.


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Sounds like you may be on the right track now, but just thought I would comment on your original proposal.

7 hours ago, ConfusedPotato said:

full reset and start over again

This is often asked, but

3 hours ago, trurl said:

not clear how it could help

"Clean install" is a common "solution" in Windows folklore, but I've never needed it in Windows.


In the case of Unraid, if you boot in SAFE mode (which results in no plugins loaded) and also don't load any VMs or dockers, then that is effectively a "clean install" of whatever release you are running, because Unraid runs in RAM. It installs itself fresh from the archives on flash into RAM at each boot.


So, if you are keeping your data I don't see how "starting over" can have any effect that couldn't be more simply accomplished by removing addons.


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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] How to nuke an unRAID install without loosing data on array?

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