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(SOLVED) Cache full, mover not moving

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Running 6.8.3


Symptoms possibly unrelated: Have 500GB SSD cache pool which typically stays at 208GB free (another issue I was beginning to question as to why it's that full). Everytime I'd run autobackup, cache would fill almost all the way but then mover would kick in and cache would reset to 208GB free. Lately though, cache would fill and seemingly crash. Today I began receiving BTRS loop errors, needed to stop the array and reboot via CLI as the webgui wouldn't respond. After reboot Mover wouldn't run and cache remains fill with only 1.9GB free. Attached are current logs after reboot. I also have logs prior to reboot if needed.


EDIT: reuploaded logs


Thanks! crom-diagnostics-20201014-1056.zip

Edited by TBoneStaek
reattached logs
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The share /backups has my most recent appdatabackup which takes up nearly half of my SSD (as nearly half of my SSD is full from appdata). So the most recent backup from today needs to be moved. to the array to free up cache.


Within my webgui, I only see the share Downloads. No second lower-cased downloads. Any other place to look for this share?




Just saw you said check on all the disks. Hang on... Thanks!

Edited by TBoneStaek
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8 hours ago, TBoneStaek said:

Very odd, when I go to my /boot/config/shares on my Flash, I only see a downloads.cfg. There's no Downloads.cfg.

Linux is case-sensitive, so downloads and Downloads are different shares.


The downloads share does not exist, but it apparently did at one time, and you made settings for it, so that is why downloads.cfg is on flash.


User shares are the top level folders on cache and array. If a top level folder exists, a user share with the same name as that top level folder exists. People often accidentally create user shares by specifying a top level path in a docker mapping or something.


You created a share (top level folder) named Downloads, but you have never made any settings for it, so there's no Downloads.cfg. That share has default settings (cache-no, split any, include all, highwater, 0 minimum).



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