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[SOLVED] Unraid 6.8.3 - Crashing on array start - Help me!

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So I've had my Unraid server for over two years now with minimal issues. I've added/removed drives, etc. and haven't had many issues.


Out of the blue today, my server crashed. It came back up automatically but without my array started (this is how I have it configured).


I can start the array in maintenance mode but not normal mode. Since it crashes, my syslog gets wiped, but I tail'd it from root and it died in the middle of starting up Docker.


I'm attaching the sanitized diagnostics which I ran after starting the server but not the array.


I tried to research this first but got old articles that said to use troubleshooting in the "Fix Common Problems" plug-in, which I have, but it looks like the troubleshooting feature was removed.


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1 hour ago, Noah Tatum said:

troubleshooting in the "Fix Common Problems" plug-in, which I have, but it looks like the troubleshooting feature was removed.

Probably not much for it to work with since the array isn't started. And a lot diagnostics don't tell us when the array isn't started either.

1 hour ago, Noah Tatum said:

it died in the middle of starting up Docker.

Try this. Put flash in PC, edit config/docker.cfg so docker service won't start, then see if you can start the array and post new diagnostics.


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29 minutes ago, trurl said:

Put flash in PC, edit config/docker.cfg so docker service won't start, then see if you can start the array and post new diagnostics.


So I was able to actually just edit the setting in "Settings" for Docker not to start, I started the array, and it still crashed :( Guessing the place it got stuck in the syslog may be a red herring.


Running an over night memtest+ and I'll see where I'm at tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for a late response on this, but I've been caught up with work stuff.


For whatever reason, the server was working for a week or so without issue.


I'm back in troubleshooting mode and now it's doing instant crashes once I start the array again. It doesn't matter if I disable Docker or VMs in settings; it still crashes.


One time, it wouldn't even boot (said cannot location bootable drive, or something to that effect). I swapped the USB drive to a different slot and it didn't matter.


At this point, I am leaning towards it being either the USB stick, USB controller, or motherboard, but that's just guessing. Because all of those are hardware, it seems like troubleshooting this may go outside the scope of these forums. At this point, I'm not sure what to do because I enabled the syslogging to USB and there's nothing relevant.

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  • 2 months later...
  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Unraid 6.8.3 - Crashing on array start - Help me!

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