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[SOLVED] Some Files in Shares disappeared after Reboot


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Hi Guys, I am brand new to unraid and I hope this is a simple fix... I installed a UPS on my unraid (V 6.8.3), did a proper shutdown... and after reboot most of my folders are gone. In the flash backup Z IP I created, I can see the folders is shown in the shares folder.

Another strange thing is, a brand new 8TB drive suddenly shows as unmountable: No file sysytem, however, the SMART test results shows its healthy...


Thank you in advance, and I do hope it is just a simple fix










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Thank you, I will read through... and comment... As to your question, Maybe I am not understanding the system too well yet... I only left Disk one unassigned because in the array slot one is my parity drive... and slot two is the second disc etc... Just my thought and application process... :)

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I followed the instructions, and got ERROR message:


Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...

Phase 2 - using internal log

- zero log...

ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this.

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41 minutes ago, Renier said:

As to your question, Maybe I am not understanding the system too well yet... I only left Disk one unassigned because in the array slot one is my parity drive... and slot two is the second disc etc... Just my thought and application process...

Parity slot is not slot1. It is really slot0. If you stop the array you will see there is a parity slot with a disk assigned to it, and a separate disk1 slot with nothing assigned to it.


These distinctions can be important in some cases so better to adjust your thought.


19 minutes ago, Renier said:

ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this.

This is just the way the XFS repair tool works regardless of which system it is run on. In the case of Unraid, it has already been determined that the disk is unmountable, so you have to use the -L option.

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54 minutes ago, Renier said:

in the array slot one is my parity drive... and slot two is the second disc etc... Just my thought and application process...

And some more terminology I like to use when discussing Unraid.


I suspect when you say "in the array" you are actually referring to the locations of the disks in the case. Unraid of course can't know anything about that.


I always use the word "slot" to refer to where a disk is assigned in Unraid (and that is how Unraid refers to this in the syslog, with parity as slot0). Any disk can be assigned to any slot when you first create the array, regardless of where it is in the case or which port it is attached to.


It is seldom necessary or relevant to talk about where a disk is actually located in the case, but when it is I use the word "bay". There is also the word "port" which refers to how a disk is attached to the motherboard or controller.


Not everyone uses these words consistently, but I find it helps clarify the discussion.


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Thank you for the clarification... I guess stilI have a lot to learn about the system :)...

I can re-assign the  the disks , it wont affect any data?... and I understand not to change the Parity drive...


You have been a great help so far... I am thankful for that... Thank you 


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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Some Files in Shares disappeared after Reboot

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