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Parity Check - 39 Errors


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Hey, my monthly parity completed today and it reported errors for the first time - 39 errors. 


I do not recall any unclean shut downs (I did do a clean power down during Zeta). 


I also forgot the system was running the check and was moving, renaming, deleting files quite a bit during it - which may have added to it?  Regardless, I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to reading the reports and logs so I'm hoping one of you may be able to tell me if all is well or if I have a fire on my hands!



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Thanks - I have replaced the sata cable for disk 1.  I checked the logs and no errors are showing  up.

So now you advise running another parity scan correct?  The parity is 14tb so it will take a couple days.  Anything I should be looking for in the meantime?  Or avoid doing?

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1 hour ago, trurl said:

What was it?

Sorry - it was what looks like 2 "warning" level events:


Nov 5 14:23:43 unKevin nginx: 2020/11/05 14:23:43 [error] 8706#8706: *1457547 recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/DeviceList.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "", referrer: ""


Nov 5 14:23:43 unKevin php-fpm[8680]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 13228 exited on signal 7 (SIGBUS) after 82.110109 seconds from start

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