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unRAID unresponsive now USB wiped?

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Hi there, ive been testing out unRAID and was about 10days away from my trial expiring. I ran into an issue where my server had a totally blank UI and i had to do a hard reset. When trying to bring it back up im met with a 'No configuration file found' error and it refuses to boot. 


I have checked the USB in Windows and done a check disk scan which was fine. When i review the files on the USB compared to a newly created one i have only around 20MB of files not the 200+MB that is found when an unRAID usb is made.


Obviously with just testing it, a couple of VMs, plex and a minecraft server, i hadnt yet set up something like a rclone for the USB files.


Strange though why my config files etc are missing from the USB. 


Any help would be glorious or am i looking likely to have to restart my server from scratch? if so 2nd question, can i use the same disks in the same config without having to move any data off them first?

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