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factorio docker what is the next step after installation

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I have installed the "factorio docker" and it is running, but what happens next ???
on the page: https://hub.docker.com/r/factoriotools/factorio/ it says that I should execute some commands in the console ==> none of them works, mostly I get the message "sh: docker: not found "

Please help how do I get the factorio server to run in my own LAN. So that I can see him in the STEAM too.


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@Ryley Robinson not very much, just install the container and it should run, can you give me output of the log itself from the container? Click on the container and select 'Log' or click on the blue text on the right and side, this will also open the log.


You actually don't have to run these commands yourself from the terminal since the template or better speaking Unraid does that for you and everything should be working as expected.


Also please refer to the support thread here:


EDIT: eventually you have to edit the config, click on the little arrow in the right upper corner of the card at the post i linked.

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thanks for your quick answer,

then it was good that I haven't changed anything.
if I start factorio in Steam and then go to multiplayer, I can connect to the IP then a game is started with a new card, without an error message on Steam, but I cannot invite anyone to this card.

If I go to multiplayer in Stem and then host a new game, that works too, but I can't invite anyone here either.

My server cannot be found in the Steam list of servers
and also not in the LAN list of available servers.

Please excuse my ignorance, I'm a complete newbie to Unraid + Docker + Linux and the command line. Therefore, a very big THANK YOU for any help

this is the log file



as requested by you, I looked at this post from you:image.thumb.png.c1253956ad7a288fdba1b6a6e553652a.png


it says as far as I understand that I should edit the "settings.conf" file with the "CAConfig Editor". did I understand that correctly ????
If so, what should I enter or change where ???
where can I find this file that I should edit ???
is the date on the screen section the right one ????




if so, what do I have to enter or change


Thank you again very much for any help from you



Log for_ Factorio_2020_11_17.html

Edited by Ryley Robinson
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On 11/17/2020 at 3:45 PM, Ryley Robinson said:

if so, what do I have to enter or change

Like in your screenshot above from the 'server-settings.json' if you set 'public' to 'true' (like in the screenshot) you have to fill in your Factorio accounts username and password so that the server can connect to their servers and validate you purchased a copy of factorio (you have to first setup a factorio account and link your steam account to that so that the server can validate that.


If you only want to play on LAN, then set 'public' to 'false' and you can connect to it just fine from your local network. You could also tweak some other settings like 'require_user_verification' just read the description of every variable.

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On 22.11.2020 at 05:39, ich777 said:

Wie in Ihrem Screenshot oben aus der Datei 'server-settings.json' müssen Sie, wenn Sie 'public' auf 'true' setzen (wie im Screenshot), den Benutzernamen und das Kennwort Ihres Factorio-Kontos eingeben, damit der Server eine Verbindung zu seinen Servern herstellen kann und überprüfen Sie, ob Sie eine Kopie von factorio gekauft haben (Sie müssen zuerst ein factorio-Konto einrichten und Ihr Steam-Konto damit verknüpfen, damit der Server dies überprüfen kann.


Wenn Sie nur im LAN spielen möchten, setzen Sie 'public' auf 'false' und Sie können von Ihrem lokalen Netzwerk aus eine gute Verbindung herstellen. Sie können auch einige andere Einstellungen wie 'require_user_verification' anpassen. Lesen Sie einfach die Beschreibung jeder Variablen.

Ich habe alles gemacht wie beschrieben, leider hat sich nichts geändert



I did everything as described, unfortunately nothing has changed

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