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Share Cache - Disk Cache Warning


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I just noticed this warning on my server:


Share cache is identically named to a disk share


While there *may be* (doubtful) valid use cases for having a share named identically to a disk share, this is only going to cause some confusion as if disk shares are enabled, then you will have duplicated share names, and possibly if disk shares are not enabled, then you might not be able to gain access to the share. This is usually caused by moving the contents of one disk to another (XFS Conversion?) and an improperly placed slash. The solution is to move the contents of the user share named cache to be placed within a validly named share. Ask for assistance on the forums for guidance on doing this.


I checked the Shares tab on the console and I do not see a share named "cache."   I do have a device named "cache" on the Main tab.



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