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Switched Parity drive - Insanely good parity speeds!


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Hi all, i thought i would record some interesting speed boosts for me when doing Parity checks (non correcting), i have 12 disks in my array and parity was taking on average around 21 hours to complete at around 105 MB/s, i then bought myself WD My Book, shucked it, switched it to the new parity disk and now im getting a duration of 10 hours 17 mins at around 320 MB/S!!, insanely fast, not sure why the new drive is so much faster, but there ya go!, if you can get your hands on the 'WDC_WD120EDAZ' (12TB My Book) then i would highly recommend it, it runs cool, no 3.3v pin issue, and even the bottom mounting holes are in the correct location (not so for the WDC_WD80EZAZ).


one other strange thing to note, the smaller 8TB 'WDC_WD80EDAZ' cousin of this drive runs VERY hot, like 20 degrees C hotter than any of my other drives, very odd!


edit - hmmm this MIGHT be related to a 'pause' of parity calcs i did, i wonder if this is a bug where unraid reset time for parity calculations if you pause and resume.

Edited by binhex
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47 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

That's not possible, maybe it paused the check?


i did pause the check, but i would of expected a resume to resume the stats from that point, not reset, it looks like it does indeed reset speed and duration stats on resume which explains the high speeds and low duration.


47 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Earlier 8TB (WD80EZAZ) were helium filled and ran cooler, newer ones (WD80EDAZ) are air filled.

you are right, the thing is the WDC_WD120EDAZ i have (air filled) runs at normal temps, in fact its even a little colder than my other drives, the WDC_WD80EDAZ (also air filled) which runs 20 degrees hotter than any other drive in my case, its located two inches higher in my tower case, neither are close to any other drives and share the same fan, weird hu!.


i can only assume either the firmware is balked on one of the drives and is indicating the wrong temp, or perhaps even the sensor is damaged or in the wrong location to correctly identify the temp.

Edited by binhex
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19 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

This one is helium filled, AFAIK no 12TB air filled for now, WD max for air is currently 10TB.

ahh interesting!, so even though its the same family of drive 'EDAZ' its actually helium not air, ok good to know!, in that case i shall be staying away from anything less than 12TB :-).

Edited by binhex
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2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Yep, models are not consistent, you can also tell by the casing, top is helium, bottom is air:





or by looking at SMART, helium drives have this extra attribute:


 22 Helium_Level            PO---K   100   100   025    -    100


excellent info, thanks!.

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