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  • 6.6.RC4 unclean shutdown detected

    • Solved Annoyance

    Updated to RC4 and for some reason it claims I did an unclean shutdown even though I simply rebooted via the reboot option in the GUI and it fully went down clean as far as I can tell. No changes made besides restarting with RC4 update.


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    Try to replicate the state of the system before you hit reboot, and hit stop instead. Time how long it takes for the array to finish stopping.

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    To echo what @jonathanm says, the server can have trouble shutting down when seemingly trivial things are running.  Even something as simple as an open command prompt window sitting at /mnt will stop a safe shutdown.  These things have gotten a lot better, but always shutting unRaid down cleanly is still a work in progress.


    Doing as suggested, you can see if it really did stop the array.  If it stops the array successfully, there should be no issue rebooting cleanly.


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    If you have any Windows 10 VMs, one of them may have been doing updates.  This will slow down the shutdown process because Unraid waits for the VMs to shut down.


    See if this is helpful:


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    The only thing I can think of is my vm wait time was longer than the disk wait time. I had assumed these were two separate timeouts. I am not effected by the slow starting performance that has been discussed here on threadripper but my windows VM takes about 90 seconds to shutdown. I am assuming though that given it got an "unclean" shutdown that it is not? That its more like M(Disk timeout) and N(VM Timeout) run in tandom instead of separately such as N+M. Like the system waits for N(VM Timeout) to occur then moves to M(disk unmounting) and such to occur. But guessing it simply has two timeouts that start at the same time and if the disk one runs out of time before the VM one it just marks it unclean?

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    If the shutdown timer (see my earlier post) is set shorter than it takes your VM (and array) to stop, Unraid continues with a unclean shutdown. Increase the shutdown timer to e.g. 120s.

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    37 minutes ago, bonienl said:

    If the shutdown timer (see my earlier post) is set shorter than it takes your VM (and array) to stop, Unraid continues with a unclean shutdown. Increase the shutdown timer to e.g. 120s.

    Yeah set it to 180 though don't get why the shutdown takes so long for the win10 machine. It has a m.2 drive and 20 cores assigned to it. Not much really running either. Also 32 gb of ram.

    Edited by Jerky_san
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    1 hour ago, Jerky_san said:

    I simply rebooted via the reboot option in the GUI

    Yeah, don't do that.


    Stop the array first, then hit reboot.


    The forced shutdown currently in place is mildly dangerous in my opinion, and should only be used in an emergency, or by a power failure signal by the UPS.

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    Reboot and Power Down perform a clean shutdown, that is services and the array are stopped first (the same chain of actions when "Array Stop" is pressed).


    To ensure the system can continue, there is a timer built-in and the timer setting must be long enough to allow all services, including Docker and VM to stop in time. Nothing dsngerous in my opinion, in a well behaved system.

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    4 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Nothing dsngerous in my opinion, in a well behaved system.

    Very true. I only said mildly dangerous, as it will work without issue almost always. It's the almost that gets me, and since I very rarely shut down, it makes sense to watch the process to ensure my system is still well behaved.


    Others have higher risk tolerance, I prefer to keep an eye on things and not assume all is well until I've verified it to be so.


    4 hours ago, bonienl said:

    To ensure the system can continue, there is a timer built-in and the timer setting must be long enough to allow all services, including Docker and VM to stop in time.

    That has not been advertised as well as it should. Occasionally people should time the array stop, and use that information to customize their shutdown time to suit.


    Can the array start and stop timing be readily harvested from log files? If so, I think it would be useful to keep a separate saved list similar to parity check statistics, that way you could look back in the history to find how long it generally took the array to start and stop.


    Also, a notation that the previous shutdown was unclean BECAUSE of an elapsed timer and not a hard crash would be useful, especially in the OP's case. If the timer kills the array, it should notify you.

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