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  • docker build fails with Err:22 on apt install

    • Solved

    I am trying to build a image based on the linux-server code image. While installing the images once setup works, building my own image does not. I found various threads that indicate that this has to do with the host rather than the containing images. As i am just a novice trying to get his things set up, i won't test this things, because i don't know what I am really changing. If someone wants to reproduce:


    unluckily i do not know if this happens only on prereleases, as I only have 1 unraid-server. I will add further informations if needed.


    I wish everyone reading this a great day.


    Unraid: Version: 6.10.0-rc2


    build with "docker build ./ -t myname/dev_codeserver"


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    Thanks for the suggestions.


    I just had a friend try the build progress on his maschine which did complete, so the problem is something in my unraid. I will try further troubleshooting steps and take a look at linuxserver's discord server.


    Have a great day.


    Edit: Just tried with an ubuntu baseimage and it did work. So off i go trying to find the real source of the problem. May be reasonable to put this issue on hold? Is that possible?

    Edited by JustusAurelius
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    8 minutes ago, JustusAurelius said:

    Edit: Just tried with an ubuntu baseimage and it did work. So off i go trying to find the real source of the problem. May be reasonable to put this issue on hold? Is that possible?


    Tried again with the baseimage that linuxserver uses to build their code-server docker, wich worked. So something that happens during their build is the reason for the problem. Time to take a look at their discord. Unluckily you only find this infos after posting for help - so: sorry!

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    I don't quite know why it works now, but this is what i changed:

    1. i cloned the linuxserver-repo and build the image myself
    2. then i changed the from in my dockerfile (first post) to the one from step 1
    3. i build the final docker with the same command as before, this time not getting the error and instead exiting with sucess
    4. profit i think


    a good evening to everyone watching this ted-talk. I am sorry for any problems i may have created. Keep up the good work and maybe this is in fact a bug in unraid, but i can't show it.

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    3 hours ago, JustusAurelius said:

    I am sorry for any problems i may have created. Keep up the good work and maybe this is in fact a bug in unraid, but i can't show it.

    I really don't recommend building containers directly on unRAID itself since it will mess up the whole Docker system.


    If you turn on for example the Advanced View on the Docker page you will see a lot of orphaned images, rather I would recommend setting up a small Debian/Alpine or whatever works for you VM and build the images there.


    I don't think that's an issue/bug from unRAID itself because "docker build" actually pulls the base image and then builds the layers inside that base image and is independent of what distribution you are using on the Host.

    I'm not too familiar with linuxserver images but from what I see they have a lot of arguments passed over from their build environment.

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