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  • How to install Prereleases and Report Bugs


    Here at Lime Technology we manage two release branches: stable and next.  The stable branch is for those users who want better tested, though less frequent releases.  The next branch is where all new development, called prereleases, takes place.


    To install a prerelease:

    • If you are running a 6.4 stable release or newer, go to the Tools/UpdateOS page and select the Next branch.
    • If you are running an earlier stable release, to get on the next release branch, install this plugin:

    New prereleases may be installed using Check for updates on the Tools/UpdateOS page.


    It must be assumed that lurking bugs may exist in prereleases that can cause instability.


    If a prerelease carries a risk of data loss, that will be separately noted in the release notes.  Our intent however, is that each prerelease is fully functional. Each prerelease update requires a server reboot.


    Reporting Bugs:

    • Please only report bugs/issues that are unique to the prerelease.
    • Important: if possible, please include information that describes how to reproduce the bug/issue.
    • Please visit Tools/Diagnostics and attach the diagnostics.zip file to your post.


    Plugins: A number of issues that can occur on a system could be the result of installed plugins that are not officially supported by Lime Technology.  Issues with plugins should be discussed in their respective forums and not posted here for repair.  If you're using ANY plugins on your system, please reboot in Safe Mode and see if the issue you're having still exists.  If so, post a report, but if not, try adding plugins back one by one until the issue occurs again.  Then report the issue in the relevant plugin thread.


    Bare Metal Only: Due to resource constraints we cannot spend any time on issues where unRAID OS is running in a Virtual Machine of any kind.

    User Feedback

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    Currently on Unraid 6.8.3 and do not have the Check for updates button on the Tools/UpdateOS page.

    Clicking on the "Next" drop box under branch reverts back to "Stable".

    Attempted to boot in safe mode and that did not help.



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    I don't think there is a button, just accessing the page checks for updates.


    Maybe a browser problem? If you have an adblocker, whitelist your server. Clear browser cache, try another browser etc.

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    There is a button - I used to see it. I talked with another friend who has Unraid and he sees the button also. Tried 3 different browsers - Firefox, Edge and Chrome.

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    That was it...internet was down. I have two NICs in the machine and there was conflicting network settings. Removed the 2nd NIC and works 100% now.

    Thanks everyone!


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    So I'm loving unRAID so far now that I've "gotten my feet wet".  One issue I keep running into with each new RC, if I attempt to apply the update within the OS itself, it never fully reboots... and then when I finally hard shut it down and power it back on, the system just stays at a black screen.  However if I shut it down, take the USB and backup the config folder, then use the USB Creator tool and install the same RC that I'm attempting to upgrade to, and then copy the config directory back over to the drive, then boot things up, it has no problems.  Any thoughts?



    Asus Prime Z690-P D4 (latest bios)

    32GB Samsung BAR USB drive

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    That seems a not uncommon problem.    It is as though on some systems the bz* type files are not written out correctly.

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    Is it a bug that Unraid's Update OS tool shows my 6.10.3 OS version as up-to-date, or am I doing it wrong?

    I'm switching between "Stable" and "Next" within the Tool option and checking for updates for both.

    It shows no information about new release.


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  • Status Definitions


    Open = Under consideration.


    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


    Minor = Something not working correctly.


    Urgent = Server crash, data loss, or other showstopper.


    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


    Other = Announcement or other non-issue.

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