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  • [RC3] Unraid slow as **** | No clean shutdown possible

    • Retest Minor


    so im very frustrated with the new RC releases.


    First it startet with random lockups minutes or hours after restart, this was fixed by updating plugins inside nerd plugin. (my fault)


    Then i was finally able to use RC2.


    Then i noticed incredible slowdowns which are not by CPU or RAM limitations, as far as i can tell.

    -radarr not responding or VERY slow like 30 seconds per page

    -radarr importing slow as fuck

    -windows 10 vm shows disk 100% with "1200 seconds meantime response" or some absurd numbers

    -SMB access crazy slow

    -UI incredible slow and some errors in syslog about timeouts

    -unraid trys to do a parity check after each restart - why? I dont see any disk related problems.


    The slowness problem is not all the time and not all actions are always the problem. Its very random. Radarr tho seems to be the main problem.


    Im not sure what the problem is:

    -are SSDs/HDDs dyin? (i think thats unlikly because in 6.6.6 all was working like always)

    -is there a problem with unraid?

    -is it because of remote mounted google drive?




    I have 2 diagnostic of another problem i noticed while updating to RC3


    I pressed reboot in unraid UI.


    Then i went to the server and attached a monitor to it just to see its hanging at


    "stopping emhttpd".



    Then i pressed hardware button and it was again hanging at stopping emhttpd...




    Then i did again a hard reset via button. It went back normally.




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    After update to RC3 i found the following errors in syslog:


    Feb 10 12:44:04 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[9345] general protection ip:14f9253cc57e sp:db268eb4b639ce4 error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14f9253ae000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:44:04 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[9141] general protection ip:14edc84ad57e sp:b26cd25149eb1116 error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14edc848f000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:45:02 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[10814] general protection ip:152f95f6757e sp:3e1577b2e484d31a error:0 in libc-2.28.so[152f95f49000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:46:00 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[11751] general protection ip:14e23e48457e sp:a2cf0e7af5839002 error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14e23e466000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:46:00 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[11915] general protection ip:14a2177ab57e sp:41a2d65b5b4ccb30 error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14a21778d000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:47:23 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[13284] general protection ip:14cf441f057e sp:94dfca2df67fc0ab error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14cf441d2000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:47:23 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[13753] general protection ip:14cdf87dd57e sp:6c057da0bd50108d error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14cdf87bf000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:48:59 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[15642] general protection ip:146ccbb9057e sp:24e1fc36367198dd error:0 in libc-2.28.so[146ccbb72000+169000]
    Feb 10 12:48:59 Unraid-Server kernel: traps: lsof[15870] general protection ip:14b0aaeaa57e sp:8b997c4ae04962ec error:0 in libc-2.28.so[14b0aae8c000+169000]


    Feb 10 12:51:25 Unraid-Server php-fpm[6992]: [WARNING] [pool www] server reached max_children setting (20), consider raising it

    Feb 10 12:57:24 Unraid-Server nginx: 2019/02/10 12:57:24 [error] 6627#6627: *3620 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/DashUpdate.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444", referrer: "https://7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444/Dashboard"
    Feb 10 12:57:39 Unraid-Server nginx: 2019/02/10 12:57:39 [error] 6627#6627: *3620 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/DashUpdate.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444", referrer: "https://7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444/Dashboard"
    Feb 10 12:57:55 Unraid-Server nginx: 2019/02/10 12:57:55 [error] 6627#6627: *3620 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /webGui/include/DashUpdate.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444", referrer: "https://7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444/Dashboard"



    Thats happend while i had a slow ui and no smb access.

    Edited by nuhll
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    Is it possible to check ram without restarting?


    what about

    dd if=/dev/urandom bs=768304 of=/tmp/memtest count=1050 md5sum /tmp/memtest; md5sum /tmp/memtest; md5sum /tmp/memtest


    where bs is my total ram?



    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm
    Feb 10 13:32:54 Unraid-Server emhttpd: error: send_file, 139: Broken pipe (32): sendfile: /usr/local/emhttp/update.htm


    while tryin to change included disk in shares.... 

    Edited by nuhll
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    Ive wrote 95% of ram and md5ed it 3 times:


    d61fbf7cbf6f365774c46c4290f5aed7  /tmp/memtest
    d61fbf7cbf6f365774c46c4290f5aed7  /tmp/memtest
    d61fbf7cbf6f365774c46c4290f5aed7  /tmp/memtest

    I dont think its RAM.

    Edited by nuhll
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    Could it have something to do with that?

    Also atleast 3 ppl are reporting the same, maybe there is an error in unraid or linux.


    Is there a way i could try to up the threads from nginx to see if it fixes my "cant access ui" problem? Where is the config file located for nginx? how to restart? bc /etc/init.d/nginx restart doenst work.



    Edited by nuhll
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    I mean this

    Feb 11 00:23:21 Unraid-Server php-fpm[6965]: [WARNING] [pool www] server reached max_children setting (20), consider raising it


    How can i make it higher? just to test if this helps me in anyway.


    Also it says:



    Feb 11 00:21:46 Unraid-Server shfs: share cache full
    Feb 11 00:21:46 Unraid-Server shfs: share cache full



    even share is only <40% full?!


    Some new errors while mover is running:




    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/n22368.log
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74948
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74949
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74950
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74951
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74952
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74953
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74954
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74955
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74956
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74957
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74958
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74959
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74960
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74961
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74962
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74963
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74964
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74965
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74966
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74967
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74968
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74969
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74970
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74971
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74972
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74973
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74974
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74975
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74976
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74977
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74978
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74979
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74980
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74981
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74982
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74983
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74984
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74985
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74986
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74987
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74988
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74989
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74990
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74991
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74992
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74993
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74994
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74995
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74996
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74997
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74998
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/74999
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75000
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75001
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75002
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75003
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75004
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75005
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75006
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75007
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75008
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75009
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75010
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75011
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75012
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75013
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75014
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75015
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75016
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75017
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75018
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75019
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75020
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75021
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75022
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75023
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75024
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75025
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75026
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75027
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75028
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75029
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75030
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75031
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75032
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75033
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75034
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75035
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75036
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75037
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75038
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75039
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75040
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75041
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75042
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75043
    Feb 11 00:03:11 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/75044
    Feb 11 00:03:30 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/n22371.log
    Feb 11 00:03:30 Unraid-Server move: error: move, 397: No such file or directory (2): lstat: /mnt/cache/downloads/queue/n22372.log


    Edited by nuhll
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    I found /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx restart to restart nginx, after that the ui is blazing fast again... but termianl is no longer working xD


    Feb 11 00:47:01 Unraid-Server nginx: 2019/02/11 00:47:01 [crit] 6635#6635: *102506 connect() to unix:/var/run/ttyd.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /webterminal/ HTTP/2.0", upstream: "http://unix:/var/run/ttyd.sock:/", host: "7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444", referrer: "https://7e8791b3aa0bbd8fe33ae9faa95413a1af5ece0a.unraid.net:444/Main"

    So i guess it would be good idea to higher that child thing.

    Edited by nuhll
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    RC4 seems to be faster, but still its noticable. e.g. if i run the mover i get very slow unraid and download (nzbget) drops to about 1-2mb/s - which is ok for me. Better then before. - unraid doesnt seem to timeout anymore - 


    Ive noticed that around half my drives wont spin down, even i said spindown to 30min. and usually only use disk 1 for new things and disk 10 for camera and storj. Activity plugin maybe shows a action hours ago...


    I tried to change spindown to never and back to default (30min) and will see if that does the trick.

    Edited by nuhll
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    Shutdown/restart works again. FIXED


    Slowness is at the same standard like in 6.6.6 (due to my CPU, i guess). FIXED


    UI is responsive, no timeouts. FIXED


    Not FIXED:

    - Disks wont spin down. File activity plugin shows that no files are accessed on drives 2-7 (i have 10 array drives)

    - Disk 1 is where new files get moved when mover is invoked

    - Disk 10 is where storj and camera footage is streamed to (with cache: yes)


    Normal only Disk 1 and 10 should be running. Still 2,6,7,8,9 is always on. I already reaplied the spindown timeouts, no change.




    Edited by nuhll
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    Solved = The issue has been resolved.


    Solved version = The issue has been resolved in the indicated release version.


    Closed = Feedback or opinion better posted on our forum for discussion. Also for reports we cannot reproduce or need more information. In this case just add a comment and we will review it again.


    Retest = Please retest in latest release.

    Priority Definitions


    Minor = Something not working correctly.


    Urgent = Server crash, data loss, or other showstopper.


    Annoyance = Doesn't affect functionality but should be fixed.


    Other = Announcement or other non-issue.

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