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  • [RC4] App tab freezes when the browser is in Chinese language(not even auto translating)

    • Solved

    Strange issue. 


    When the array is stopped, the App page loads just fine. 


    But when I nagivate to App page with the array started with docker enabled. The whole page goes to completely frozen in a few seconds, can't click anything, even browser won't response to mouse right click. Only thing I can do is closing this tab in browser and even that takes 1-2 extra seconds - comparing to closing other tabs.


    Basically this makes the CA not available to my unraid instance.


    I enabled debug mode and attached a log file, not sure if its helpful.


    Besides, I also noticed many(not all) containers reports have updates available but actually there isn't. Clicking install will only re-install them. Yet they will still show updates available after applying 'updates'. Not sure if these issues are connected.


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    Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content. dynamix.js:4:83380
    [UPC_ENV]  local Apps:355:27
    Sign In to your Unraid.net account to perform license key actions. unraid.min.js:75:96200
    Learn more at https://wiki.unraid.net/My_Servers. unraid.min.js:75:96217
    Some cookies are misusing the recommended “SameSite“ attribute 5
    Cookie “one” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite dynamix.js:6:884
    Cookie “tab” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite dynamix.js:6:884
    Cookie “top” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite dynamix.js:6:884
    Cookie “ca_startupButton” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite dynamix.js:6:884
    Cookie “ca_selectedMenu” will be soon rejected because it has the “SameSite” attribute set to “None” or an invalid value, without the “secure” attribute. To know more about the “SameSite“ attribute, read https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite dynamix.js:6:884
    checkPlugin  community.applications.plg Apps:605:10
    Ports In Use:139,22,22000,3306,3702,444,445,5355,6237,7070,80,8200,8384 Apps:702:17
    Result checkPlugin community.applications.plg Apps:607:11
    {"updateAvailable":false,"version":"2022.03.17a","min":"6.9.0","changes":"###2022.03.17a\n- Fixed: Display aberration on dockerHub installs when running Unraid 6.9.x\n\n###2022.03.17\n- Added: Option to determine automatically any paths, ports, variables used by a dockerHub search install\n- Fixed: A dockerHub search install could overwrite an existing user template if the same name was used\n- Fixed: PHP error if no change to Settings - Display Settings had ever been made\n- Fixed: White on white text would appear on 6.10-rc3 during a container update\n\n###2022.03.13\n- Maintenance Release\n- Fixed: Cancelling a plugin installation from the card if there was a warning popup would disable the search box\n- Fixed: On occasion the warning popup could have corrupted text\n- Fixed: Installed Version was appearing on sidebar if plugin wasn't installed\n- Added: Show current plugin version of non-installed plugins\n- Fixed: Max per page was appearing on Credits and Stats pages\n- Fixed: Ver…
    checkPlugin community.applications.plg: 100ms - timer ended Apps:609:11
    Script terminated by timeout at:


    this is my console output, if it makes any sense.


    Stangely it works on my Linux device with basically the same settings across the board as the device it fails to load on. Both systems run English language.


    I even tried uninstalling/reinstalling the CA plugin (without reboot) and its the same.

    Edited by Ver7o
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    I figured out whats wrong on my part... this is madness. O.o


    I usually have manual page zoom set to 120% (set with ctrl+mouse wheel not within firefox settings) and with anything over 100% the tab freezes and throws that FF error of slowing down. If I set page to 100% before clicking apps tab, apps tab works as it should.


    This is 100% reproducible on my part.


    Call me crazy now. :D

    Edited by Ver7o
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    I use Chinese Win11 with Chrome too.

    Got problem on yesterday but don't know why no problem currently.


    Will try does problem reproduce if page zoom as @Ver7osaid.

    Edited by Vr2Io
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    Can you guys try today's update.



    What's happening here is that when the browser is in Chinese, the browser appears to enforce a minimum font-size on elements and when I try and override them smaller it resets them back to the minimum




    CA has those diagonal "flags" on the cards indicating installed, beta, update available etc.  Because the OS supports translations I have no idea what length of text is going to be displayed in it.  So CA goes through and adjusts the font-sizes of those flags until the text actually fits.  When Chrome was set to Chinese, after 11px it refuses to go down to 10px.  So CA saw that it was at 11, tried to change it to 10, Chrome overrode CA and set it back to 11 and the process continued forever


    CA now detects when this situation happens and stops trying to change the size down.  This is a stop gap while I come up with a better solution (if one exists), so you *may* see cut off text on the flags.  The reason why not all instances of CA running on a browser set to Chinese (and the OS set to English) was because about the only time this condition would actually take effect was if one of the flags was "Update Available", so it was hit and miss


    (And even though nothing may have showed on the home page with Update Available, each "row" in the home page actually has 12 apps being displayed for a consistent experience with users who have ultra ultra wide monitors and the Dynamix Unlimited Width plugin installed)


    Huge thanks to @Elvin for giving me access to his system, (and also to @itimpi for pumping out an update to Parity Tuning which is still there on the home page (albeit hidden unless you have a 49" monitor) that hasn't auto-updated yet ;) 

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    I use AdGuard Home on a Unraid Docker.

    I changed the Network configuration of the Unraid Server. The DNS-Server is now the Fritzbox again.

    And now my "Apps" load

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