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Report Comments posted by limetech

  1. The issue is talked about here:

    https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/[email protected]/t/


    Bottom line, a regression was introduced to Realtek driver, then a "fix" was created that seemed to work (which is in our kernel), but you are finding that it does not 100% work.


    This kind of thing happens all the time with Realtek.  We are hesitant to just come out and say there are some hardware vendors to avoid, but certainly Realtek and Gigabyte would be on that list - but we don't have a list. ;)

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  2. We don't have the resources to support yet another outdated browser and we can't stop utilizing modern browser technology to improve the product.  Maybe we can add a warning: Your browser is not compatible, please use latest version of either Edge, Chrome, FireFox, Safari, or Brave.

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  3. 19 hours ago, jmonteiro said:

    Just tried 6.6.3 and I still have problems mounting NFS drives. When I mounted (manually after launch) the "cctv" NFS share, it worked ok, I was able to browse the files and it seemed ok. But then I mounted the second NFS share, "nextcloud" and it went bad, I could not list the "/mnt/disks/" anymore and the restart got stuck for so long that I had to manually press the server reset button.


    I'm attaching 2 diagnostics zip files, one after launch into 6.6.3 and before the 2 NFS mounts, and the other after the NFS mounts, the last one should show the problem.






    This is not the same issue as subject of this topic.  Something to do with UD maybe?


    Please repost to General Support or maybe the UD plugin support topic.

  4. @rjstott still around?  Has latest release fixed your Realtek NIC issues?


    You make a good point about not having complete documentation re: known issues, bugs fixes, workarounds, etc.  However we are like 1/10000 the size of Microsoft so maybe can cut us some slack?  Besides, how many Microsoft engineers, who directly work on the actual software, are you able to communicate with directly?  I bet we outnumber that count.

  5. There is not enough info in the screen shots to give a clue about what is failing.

    Please open a terminal window and tail the syslog:


    tail -f /var/log/syslog


    Then when server hits this issue you can select/copy/paste the entire window contents.


    Also, never hurts to run in 'Safe Mode' to rule out plugin issue.

  6. 47 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

    This is an old issue, I reported this over two years ago during the 6.2 beta cycle

    Ok I see what's happening.  Thanks for the report, I guess it got lost among all the other posts in that topic at that time.


    There's an easy way to fix, and a hard way.  The easy way is to prevent any of the SMART buttons from being enabled if the device is spun down, thus requiring user to spin up device first.


    The hard way is to determine if the device is currently spinning or not.  Believe it or not, this is not that easy to work out an algorithm that works across all device types and interface types (eg, SATA vs SAS).  At present 'emhttp' keeps track of spinning status based on "last I/O time" along with knowing when a device is explicitly spun down via an emhttp api call.  The bug you're seeing is that webGUI issues a SMART command out-of-band from emhttp, meaning emhttp doesn't know this command has been issued, and the command is not counted as an I/O command.


    So we'll have to think about what's the best way to solve this.

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