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  1. It is unfortunate that the Unraid team has abandoned this key feature. Considering the thousands of views over the last 18 months on your post (and several others on similar SMB/AD/Permission issues) you would think it would gather some attention. It's likely most users have moved on to other solutions, unfortunately.
  2. Anyone have a solution for this? Or a doc or guide to point to? I've been struggling with this same issue since moving off 6.9 last year.
  3. I had the exact same issue as the OP in my Windows domain environment. This was extremely frustrating since the SMB shares were working fine for almost a month, then suddenly I could not connect to them with the very account I used to set the permissions with! I had used a domain admin account to set the permissions on the shares and granted full access to "domain admins", and less access to a couple user groups as appropriate. I discovered (from running the Fix Common Problems full scan) that UnRAID saw my domain admin account as a "domain user". I looked in Active Directory and realized it was a member of both groups. I set Domain Admins as the primary group for this account, removed domain users, and immediately I could access the UnRAID shares with this account again.
  4. That did the trick! Thank you both for your help!
  5. Great find! Thank you! Follow up question, if you don't mind: Step 2 says to edit /etc/default/grub and add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="iommu=soft". From what I can tell, UnRAID doesn't use grub. What is the equivalent I should be looking for? Where should this edit be made?
  6. I checked, and it is running the latest BIOS - and by latest, that's 2016. Is there a detailed post on troubleshooting USB devices in Unraid somewhere?
  7. I have UnRAID running on a Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 motherboard which has onboard USB 2.0 and 3.0 controllers. If I connect an external USB 3.0 hard drive to one of the USB 2.0 ports, the system recognizes it almost immediately and it is available to assign to a VM. If I connect the same drive to a USB 3.0 port, it is never recognized and I cannot use it. I have the VM set to use the 3.0 (qemu XHCI) USB controller. I can see the controller is recognized by the system when I run "lspci | grep USB", but the external drive doesn't show up in the output of the lsusb command. Am I missing something? How can I get this to work?
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