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Everything posted by ddube

  1. Well I see people on youtube and the looks like they are paid by truenas or it is like a cult. It seems very popular but there is a lot of options for different use case. If you want to stay in the open source, you can go mergerfs+snapraid, etc. If you want to be on windows, you can use stablebit drivepool (all their app in bundle cost like 59$ and all future updates included) that will works similar to unraid but in windows in the way that it's basically a jbod. You can add duplication to protect against a drive failure. You can even setup snapraid if you want. But then again, it's a little more work.
  2. It's a scummy tactic to move you to the annual subscription. It is playing with cognitive behavior of individual people : Putting pro to the right : We are all used to see the scaling in tier from left to right. Suggest it doen't have all option when compared to right panel. Pricing is higher, and no mention that is a legacy (loyalty) tier. Putting the subscription version to the right is : We are all used to see the last option as the complete offering, thus enticing people to select this one without doing research. Pricing is less, but suggest that it comes with more option. If you ever want to upgrade, stick to pro. It is the same, but they are wording the panel differently.
  3. It doesn't matter. We all have our license, so they won't get any new money. It's the fresh users that will pass on the offering. Will you buy the "subscription" license ? Will you buy a lifetime license that cost twice as much for the same thing ?
  4. Well the fact that unraid is using the root user and you can reset the password if you have access to the usb stick is just a sign that security is not that much a concern and therefore they exclude business de facto.
  5. They could tell what is coming and be honest. It needs to happen if they want to switch to that yearly model. Otherwise, why should I pay. There is no reason. It doesn't matter to me. I already have my license and can use the software without worrying. If I need to move, I'll just drop unraid althogether and call it a day. In the end, who cares ? Why I'm agains't that change ? Well it's simple. It already was a problem to get user with a lifetime license at 59$, why would it changes if it cost 49$ but you have to pay 36$ each year to get updates ? Pro version ? 129.99 vs 249.99. I'm pretty sure it would have been more profitable if it was on github, early build on patreon and extra unraid connect at a small price monthly. Ah and a real way to support like donation. I would have donated. It will happen someday and new people will always feel like they were missing the legacy license, which impact loyalty negatively. Edit : fix $
  6. No. You are entitled to get the patch version until this branch is EOL. if you have 1 year update, you get 6.12.x until 6.12 is out of updates. You won’t be able to move to 6.13.x. I don’t know why you are defending this. Do you have free copies ? Do work for unraid ? I clearly see that you want them to stay alive since you already have bought at least one key. Will you buy more under the new scheme ? It is expected that you will get at least an unleashed license key, since you are a supporter of this. Like I said before. LT is unable to provide a roadmap. Why ?
  7. Sadly no, the marketing could've been targeted at this but given the fact that unraid 6 is nearly a decade old. It is missing the point.
  8. That's the problem. You see it as someone who is already sold to unraid. You won't be impacted by this like all of us. But it is important to note that if I was considering unraid with the new price scheme, I would have passed. There is no way I would have bought a software that will gatekeep me behind that model. Call it what you want. I would have prefered to buy unraid v6, then unraid v7 and so on. The market for this is VERY competitive and you can find a lot of options for either free or a one time payment. You have to understand that this is a hussle and they could have grown bigger by going open source. Like many have stated, there is a lot of ways to be profitable. Anyway, the release schedule have always been so opaque that you can't expect anything. Paying yearly for updates means that people will expect to get an excellent return on investment. They never were able to provide that and they won't be able to sustain that kind of support. Never forget that this is a driven community software, the one that gives support already paid for and won't pay more. New people may come but will leave when there is no clear roadmap and deadlines to release. Show me where I can find this information ? Nothing is public about it. All of this have been a bad press for unraid.
  9. It is what it is. I think the same and the future doesn't seem bright. I can understand that they want to live from the software, but let's be real it's a side job. I'm probably sure they could be more profitable going open source, setting up a donation button and bundle the software with some premade hardware. Time will tell, but I hope they'll give us a way to retain the paid software if they fail (like register a new usb key because the one you had just died). If they succeed, I'll apologize for being an unbeliever. Mark my word.
  10. I have to disagree on this. If I wanted to expand and build one more server, it'll be affected by this. When I consider this, it will just make me move to something else and then I'll migrate the existing server onto the new solution. It will affect the current customer too if it doesn't work like they are thinking. Less cashflow means that your beloved software might bite the dust. If LT become bankrupt, will they release the code as an open-source project ?
  11. Well, that depends on a lot of things. People are right to be mad about this. Do you remember in 2018 when LT told us that bitrot wasn't real ? It took at least 5 years from that to implement ZFS and it's not fully implemented. It came with 6.12 and the last part will be in 6.13. Where is the roadmap ? When will we get news about this ? Source : Time will tell if that gamble will work, but I will hold my money on this one. If it works then good for the company, if not then something else will replace unraid anyway.
  12. Ok, here we are. Assuming we are in the "subscription" model (or call it yearly update fee) and you are using 6.12.6 and security patch 6.12.8 is out but you are past that 1-year window so you are left out of update, which is a major security fix. That model is not good at all. LT will need to maintain more branch and they will need to provide roadmap and incentive to purchase the product. We don't even have a clue about what are the advantages to switch model. There is none. This is a community driven software by the way and I'm pretty sure you will not see the increase in customer. The money boom will come before the change and it will dry after.
  13. Well, it is true that it needs to be better. I didn't know you were in charge of marketing and I'm pretty sure your signature is recent. That being said, I will stick around until the change are in place. It is really nice seeing that you don't need my money and really want me to leave. It is people like me that bring new cash in the pipeline when I refer a friend, that refer a friend and that refer a friend. Multiply that per 2-3-4-5-6.. and it makes a lot of money. But that won't happen again and I'm pretty sure it will be the same with more people. Anyway, why changing the subject ? It's all about the subscription model (or the annual update purchase, whatever you call it). There is no roadmap from LT. Why someone will pay for a year of update if there is only 1-2 updates during that year ? Why someone will continuously pay when there is no roadmap and date on new features or list of bugfixes ? That's why it needs to have deadlines. Like I said and others too, there is other ways to do money instead. If you prefer to have less customer with that pricing model, then it's your choice. Ultimately, this will lead customer to the exit.
  14. Well that's one problem. There is no roadmap, no clear indication of what will happen and when. Currently, they are releasing update when they see fit. If there is a structure, we are not aware of it. They need to provide deadlines.
  15. You can install windows free to use forever with no license and still get all updates forever. Only downside is the watermark. You can use an old key to remove this OR use the activation script that will license you hardware to microsoft server. It cost nothing. They make millions per month on the business side, they don't care about the customer market. If you use it at home, you'll demand it in enterprise.
  16. I don't know who is in charge of the marketing at limetech but holy cow it is really bad. You should hire someone who knows how to do this. With this subscription model (and no support for security fixes), I will be moving to something else even if I paid for a "legacy" tier. If I want to stay with a jbod setup then Stablebit is a better offering on Windows. They never changed pricing, they never asked for more money, they never moved to subscription model. If I don't want to move to Windows, there is a lot of alternative that will not gouge their userbase. I see only people that support this that are already on legacy tier, those with 9k+ comments on the forums. These guy will never pay more anyway.
  17. You can do it if you want, but expect to have less customer than now. Over the years, I have recommended unraid to many users but since I don't support subscription model, it will be the end of my free advertising. I can't move forward with that. Good luck !
  18. Is there a way to unlock it if it happens ?
  19. I am beginning in this space currently so I'm sorry if I didn't give a lot of information beforehand. I am using image and they are in the main array. I am using 2 currently for testing purpose and they have 240gb each. I have connected them to 2 esxi installation. The first time I tried to transfer VM from one esxi to the iscsi drive, it was working great. The second time I tried to it failed and the image was locked down. That's when "targetcli is unable.." appeared. Configuration screenshot :
  20. Hi everyone, I have a strange behavior and I wanna get some insight about it. ISCSi target is connecting fine, I'm seeing my fileio on my esxi installation and I can write to it. Problem is when I am writing, the connection is loss and I am unable to connect it anymore. In Unraid under the ISCSi tab in settings, when it happens, I'm unable to do something because I have a yellow box saying "Targetcli is in use and unable to...". I don't really know what to do at this point and I am unable to stop the array. I keep getting stuck at " *** ISCSi ". (I am sorry if I don't have the exact wording, I've resetted everything and forgot to copy the text.)
  21. Hi, I'm looking for help to know if it's possible to do this. First, NPM with cloudflared on the bridge network is working flawlessly. Let's say my unraid server is, using default port values for NPM and cloudflared docker makes my apps accessible trough my custom domain. I'm trying to make it accessible to my pi-hole to create *.local.domain.tld to use with app that I don't want to expose. So, I'm trying to give a custom ip to my NPM docker, ie, using br0. I can access NPM dashboard but cloudflare throw me this error : ERR error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or it may not be responding to traffic from cloudflared: dial tcp connect: connection refused" cfRay=*** originService= I've tried to give access to give host access to custom network, as it may be a problem with macvlan. Am I doing something wrong or is it just possible to do ? Thanks
  22. I saw that with the update, but I was running a version of last week and it didn't had the backup in it.
  23. Ok wow I found out what happened. I made a custom backup of my world before even update the docker. When I update, it corrupted my world. So I deleted old files and restoring my world and it's working now.
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