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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Stop scripts stops execution after the current command being executed is finished. If the command takes forever to finish (or never does), then effectively the stop command does nothing.
  2. It's a "private repo" because it only exists on your system (it's private to your server, and others (ie: myself) do not have that template on it). You didn't make any mistake, and everything is working as designed
  3. Can you from the command prompt ping -c 3 github.com
  4. Check Network settings. Make sure that your gateway is set to the IP address of the router, and possibly also enter in and for DNS addresses
  5. The rclone plugins though are a little messed. By the authors design, they download the install file during installation. Since the network isn't running yet when the system boots up and tries to install the plugin, the plugin installation fails, and have to be reinstalled manually again Sent via Tapatalk because my laptop doesn't fit in my pocket
  6. In the settings for mover tuning, you didn't enter in a Cron expression when you enabled force mover Sent via Tapatalk because my laptop doesn't fit in my pocket
  7. Not 100% true. You can always look at the commit history on GitHub for the webUI to see what's coming at least in the UI itself.
  8. Easiest solution is to move the cache drive off of the HBA, and onto the motherboard
  9. Not available / Not supported / Not whatever You can do the exact same thing as the plugin does at the command line: fstrim -a -v If you don't see a line for /mnt/cache, then it's not being trimmed.
  10. They are trim related. Dynamix SSD Trim trim's all filesystems that support trim. In this case, your libvirt image and docker image are both available to be trimmed. Your SSD however is not being trimmed. If it was you would see a line that said /mnt/cache The real difference between those images and the drive itself is that the images are virtual file systems. Even if they're hosted on a spinner, they still get trimmed (even though the trim on the images actually does nothing - even when its hosted on a SSD)
  11. You're probably looking at a caching error being made by Dynamix. While I probably could fix this, this plugin is going to be deprecated for users that will be running the upcoming unRaid 6.6, as the bulk of it's functionality will be now included in the base OS
  12. It won't be quite as simple as pushing enter, but it is a simple solution https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  13. The list is populated as soon as you enter the tab. So, if you delete a container and then immediately switch to the manager, then the deleted container will still appear there. Beyond that, the manager makes use of unRaid's management system, so if you are manually deleting containers at the command prompt, then the docker tab (and the manager) may or may not show the correct information. But, quick comparision of your two screen shots shows that everything looks ok. Admittedly I didn't zoom right in to compare all of the names from one shot to another.
  14. Unless you also set up a new flash drive at the same time as the cache drive, this is unlikely. Unless your flash drive is removed or dropped offline. Maybe at your convenience go back to Previous Apps, and then post your diagnostics.
  15. Then the logs from Plex might help. Docker Page, click the log button
  16. The OpenVPN on the router is probably a server, not a client. You use it to connect to your server remotely Use SSL connections to the news-server
  17. Then you don't need to worry about seeding, because there is no seeding on usenet at all. Purely a one-way connection. I've always gotten line speeds. As a matter of fact, I limit the bandwidth to leave room for all my other devices. If I don't, they slow to a crawl.
  18. If you're using torrents instead of usenet, then probably. But as you've noted, sure it'll fill up quickly. And then once it's full you're going to be downloading to the array, which will slow everything down huge.
  19. I'm not anal enough to care about running a post-processing script via Sonarr to remove things like excess subtitles, etc. So not the best guy to suggest. But, where you would want to look is on Sonarr's project page First thing to do is make sure that the incomplete and completed downloads referenced by your DL client are stored on a cache-only share (or alternatively cache-prefer)
  20. If you're using Sonarr to post process via an add-on script etc, then it's just adding another appropriate mapping and adjusting the script accordingly. If you're using Sonarr to simply rename the completed downloads and toss them onto the array (as probably most people do), then you have your DL client download to a cache-only share, unpack them there, and then Sonarr moves the completed downloads onto the array.
  21. It should have automatically removed all of the files during the uninstall. But, if (for whatever reason) you have files left over, you can just manually delete them. Over the network, via Krusader, or at the command line.
  22. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  23. Actually, it does. The changes to make the plugin work on 6.5 also affect 6.3.5 (which is what I assume you meant) if you're running the last version of the plugin. Personally, I disagree there. Not clicking random links in an email for example is something that has to be banged into everyone from birth. None of the mobile devices in my house are connected to the same network as the rest of my equipment. They're all on the guest network, as no one here ever uses mobile to actually access files except media in which case it runs through Plex anyways. This plugin was the last security barrier. And it could only protect your files that are stored on the array. If you're subjected to an attack sure all of your movies would be safe. But everything else on your network is now pooched. The attack isn't coming through unRaid. Its coming from another device on your network, and it will hit everything on the network. You don't have to go nuts, or even be paranoid about all of this. Basic precautions will suffice. Even something as simple as forgoing public shares and only giving your son / wife RW access to the shares that they need it on will protect your files from the attack vector originating from their user. Or giving Plex read-only access to your media - doesn't affect functionality at all).
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