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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Could be runaway logging, downloads being saved into the image, etc Couple of entries in the docker FAQ about this topic
  2. And what happens? Does the unRaid boot menu appear on the local screen?
  3. My opinion is Yes. But, others will disagree. Anecdotally, XFS seems to have far less problems with users than BTRFS, especially if the server is not 100% stable Don't know what video you were watching, but you also need to backup the appdata share. With backups of that (and the flash drive), you'll always be able to get your apps back running the exact same they were with no loss of information in a matter of minutes
  4. nor would it under this circumstance Is Jul 7 ~ 9pm when the server stopped responding and you just noticed, or did you upload the incorrect files? But, this appears to me to be your problem: Overall: Device size: 111.79GiB Device allocated: 111.79GiB Device unallocated: 56.00KiB Device missing: 0.00B Used: 33.20GiB Free (estimated): 77.68GiB (min: 77.68GiB) Data ratio: 1.00 Metadata ratio: 1.00 Global reserve: 24.86MiB (used: 0.00B) Data,single: Size:110.78GiB, Used:33.10GiB /dev/sdd1 110.78GiB Metadata,single: Size:1.01GiB, Used:99.91MiB /dev/sdd1 1.01GiB System,single: Size:4.00MiB, Used:16.00KiB /dev/sdd1 4.00MiB Unallocated: /dev/sdd1 56.00KiB In English, your cache drive is full (even though its not). I'm not a particular fan of btrfs formatted cache drives if you're not running a cache-pool (prefer XFS in those circumstances as there is far, far less trouble), but @johnnie.black will be help you to get this back in order. More of a coincidence that duplicati is causing this. Additionally, you really should heed this advice: Jul 7 21:21:19 Datahall root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Dynamix SSD Trim Plugin Not installed You're just shooting yourself in the foot performance wise without it.
  5. Because that's the size of it. (The compressed download is 600MB) Storage is cheap. If you're not having any issues with out of control logging, downloading into the docker.img, are running a ton of apps, just increase the size. Note also that the docker sizes are the "virtual size" This means that if you have other apps that share the same image layers (IE: other containers from Binhex) then the actual size taken up may be smaller than the 1.8 GB
  6. My root folder in Sickrage is /media/TV Shows My root folder in Radarr is just /media as it is mapped to /media/movies If you have further advices then it would be greatly appreciated ps. I just added manually a movie, and everything worked, but this problem with /movies/movies, seems to come at a random time, perhaps when the program itself adds a new movie Here is my catagories in sabnzdb: When downloaded, sabnzdb unrars the movie from /data/incomplete to /data/complete/movies From there radarr moves the file to /media Like I said earlier, when manually added, there is no problem It looks correct , and the error vs your mappings seems to be right, so not sure (I switched to nzbget a long time ago) Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer
  7. Add a movie, any movie. In the file browser that appears, under the most recent stuff, you'll see /movies/Movies with an "x" next to it. Hit the X. That path that you used to use no longer exists, hence the error That message isn't coming from any paths etc in Radarr. Its coming from the communication between Deluge and Radarr. The path mappings between the two applications don't match. See https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  8. I'll need to update the plugin in the next day or so to fix this. In the meantime, you can rename the container to get rid of the period and it'll work.
  9. And that's true. Hence IIRC my last updated stated in the changelog that it's probably the last release Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer
  10. Reboot Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer
  11. And, so we don't give @CHBMB a superiority complex (should be noted that I am not British or American), this is what you can't get away with in Britain It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store (If I ever move to Liverpool, I'm definitely investing in a fish tank) Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter In the UK a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman's helmet The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the King, and the tail of the Queen It is illegal not to tell the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow Honourable Mentions from around the world In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation In Bahrain, a male doctor can only examine the genitals of a woman in the reflection of a mirror In Switzerland, a man may not relieve himself standing up after 10pm In Milan, it is a legal requirement to smile at all times, except funerals or hospital visits In Japan, there is no age of consent In France, it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon
  12. Try it again and take a screen shot and the resulting settings.json file
  13. Name it something like Restart Plex. Then "Edit Script" And the script will be #!/bin/bash docker restart Plex or whatever the container's name actually is
  14. In Quitman, GA chickens are not allowed to cross the road In Arizona if you cut down a cactus you could be sentenced to 25 years in prison In Paulding, Ohio policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down In Texas, it is illegal to sell your eyeballs In North Carolina, it is against the law to sing off-key In Rhode Island, you may not sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday In Gainesville, GA you are not allowed to eat fried chicken any other way than using your hands In Utah, marriage between cousins is against the law only if they are younger than 65 In Minneapolis, MN red cars may not drive down Lake Street In Carrizozo, NM it is forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public (I happen to agree with this one) In Wyoming, you may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit In Washington, you cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday In Indianna, it's illegal to attend a public event or use public transport within 4 hours of eating an onion or garlic In San Antonio, TX flirting is against the law In Idaho, it's illegal for a man to give his fiance a box of candy that weighs more than 50lbs In Washington, a motorist with criminal intentions must stop at the ciry limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town In Arizona, if you are found stealing soap, you must wash yourself until the bar of soap has been completely used up In Eureka, NV if you have a mustache it's illegal for you to kiss a woman In Waynesboro, VA it's against the law for a woman to drive a car on Main Street unless her husband is walking in front of the car waving a red flag And finally, in Washington you can be arrested or fined for harassing Bigfoot And in other news, just read the Changelog
  15. User scripts plugin. Script would be something like docker restart Plex Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer
  16. Yeah, backup destinations should be automatically excluded (along with appdata). Manually exclude, and you should be good to go.
  17. Tentatively yes, but since you didn't itemize what the path mappings (container side) are for Sab, I can't say definitively Yes. But you can take a shortcut and instead map /mnt to /mnt on Sonarr which will save you from switching the basefolder for all of your TV shows. To explain what @sparklyballs said in English, you can keep every single one of your settings, etc in Sab (ugh), Sonarr, Radarr, or CouchPotato (also ugh) by simply mapping/adding another path of /mnt to /mnt on each and everyone of the apps. See also this: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  18. Working out of town. I'll be looking at everything in ~12 hours EDIT: Its in there now Sent via Tapatalk because I'm either at work or enjoying the summer
  19. The plugin handles the appdata / flash drive (which has the templates on it for docker containers), so you're good there. For VM's, it only handles the libvirt image, which basically only has the xml for the VM definition. You still have to transfer the vdisks manually
  20. Because it didn't install. Unless you're talking about after a reboot, then with this particular plugin, that is perfectly normal -> It by design does not reinstall it self at boot up. Install Community Applications (you really should be using that for all add-on installations anyways), and there is a linked post on rclone that details why and the work around. Besides, troubleshooting plugin installations is easier if CA does or does not install for you.
  21. Probably because at the time of "go" execution, the plugin isn't loaded yet. user scripts should do the trick
  22. No idea about what you're talking about, but you can run a script at array start via the user scripts plugin
  23. I had @limetech @eschultz add that module a few versions of unRaid ago, as I noticed that mcelog wouldn't work on the AMD processor, but I don't believe that it worked correctly. I have since moved on to Intel chips.
  24. No good answer. It works for me 6.5.3. Are you hitting "Apply"?
  25. Its an error on the template. Either wait for @clowrym to fix it, or edit that section and change it from a path to be a variable. -e PLEX_LOCAL_PORT=<plex_local_port> \
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