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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Rather than share via PM here's my weeks story mainly because IDGAS anymore Fly out to the beautiful (name redacted) on Sunday to do an installation of a bunch of wifi gaming units at 2 separate location - parent company ships out the wrong associated equipment - parent company didn't think it was necessary to preprogram the APs and Routers - parent company thought it would be a good idea to ship power injectors that were incompatible with the APs - I managed to find power injectors locally (in the middle of nowhere remember) that were compatible. Big plus is that company I found them from took pity and gave them to us for nothing. Big con is that boss decided that it was his idea and his work that found them. - Go to fly back and was refused entry into the plane because licence was expired. (Who ever looks at their licence anymore and relies on the govt to tell them that it's about to expire, which of course they decided not to do for some weird reason that only makes sense to the govt) - now it's Friday of course. Get the wife to leave work and go home to grab my passport which I know isn't expired. - get in a huge argument with wife because I want her to go after work to the local UPS Depot to ship it out to me, but apparently that's too much aggravation because it's 10 minutes out of her way and she had plans to go to her mother's after work. - call my mother and get her to drive 20 minutes to my wife's work, grab my passport, drive 10 minutes to UPS, pay the$130 for air delivery on a Saturday to the middle of nowhere then drive 30 min back home . - discover airline (who's fault all of this is in the first place by allowing me to fly in the first place by not checking the expiry ) is going to charge me an extra $500 (difference in flight costs) - boss states well its all your problem and deal with it. - closest bar available where I can deal with it is a 20 minute walk from hotel - bar band sucks - hotel instead of giving me their advertised price upped it by $50 - airport shuttle service *if* I get the passport won't guarantee that they will pick me up and get me home because they're criminals and got you by the balls - Oh and also forgot that the airline didn't grab my checked luggage off of the plane (100% in violation of the law) so I'm stuck with a cell phone, a laptop, and a cell phone charger, but no gitch, socks or decent clothes so can't even go out try to make the best of a very bad situation - additionally, the day I flew out happened to be my wedding anniversary so the wife was just a tad pissed to begin with. EDIT. this is a real quick summary. The actual goings on over the last week are far worse than described
  2. Right now I'm AFK attempting to drown my sorrows hoping to hell that UPS delivers my passport on a Saturday to the middle of nowhere so I can get back home and then drown my sorrows over how much $$ a comedy of errors has cost me that I've already been informed that the employer will not cover as a legitimate business expense. TLDR so long as Mr Potato Head is my avatar there's not a heck of a lot I can do on this, as chbmb probably did something to the appfeed that he shouldn't have In the meantime, switch to legacy mode
  3. And the poll to get him a new one (although some of the images are no longer displaying)
  4. You guys are as bad as @sparklyballs when he had me do CR like this for him https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/37428-deprecated-plug-in-community-repositories-updater-amp-viewer/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-366074
  5. No. One of the earliest complaints about the UI was "Too many buttons". You're always going to have to either hover or click on the category button to display them
  6. Gimme a day or so I'll check it out
  7. I know. Johnnie hasn't updated the entry. But it still would work.
  8. If it's a Windows VM, you can have it so that it always takes up the exact space required instead of continually growing until it hits the max. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/51703-vm-faq/?tab=comments#comment-557606
  9. Would imply that your docker.img is read-only or completely full. Post your diagnostics
  10. Major redesign of the template displays. Switched to more of a complete "skin" design. Two skins are available: Wide & Narrow. Narrow allows more apps to be displayed per column while still retaining all of the same information. You can select via CA Settings. Docker Hub searches now also utilize the skin settings. At the same time, some of the stupid stuff displaying in the template has been removed (like dockerhub stars), and you can only see it now via hovering / clicking on the icon. Gone is Table Mode (deal with it @sparklyballs) It was a hold over from the very original proof of concept plugin (before Community Repositories), and was never the way I envisioned CA to look under any circumstance. Gone also is the Search Bar focus options. It was a good idea, but I found that under certain circumstances you could issue a search when you shouldn't be allowed to, and it just wasn't workable to continue with keep the search bar always in focus. Notable addition is that when using a mobile device (actually probably any touch screen enabled device), you have the ability to swipe left/right to change pages when a search returns more than a single page of templates. <DonateImg> has also been deprecated in this version, and going forward a stock donate image is applied to any/all templates that have the donate options
  11. The "beets" is the name of the container, and users are able to change / capitalize that on the template as they desire Also, in 6.5.2+ you can simply click on the icon from Dashboard to be able to enter the shell for the container
  12. When deluge is finished, it's telling Sonarr that the file is stored in /data/completed/..., but you don't have /data/completed mapped to /downloads/completed on sonarr or radar Add that mapping, and it'll work. No its not. What you've done is set up a "blackhole" to look for downloads in /downloads which it then imports. Blackholes aren't the recommended way of doing things, and is in the process of being deprecated by sonarr / radarr Watch the vid again, and also check this out https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  13. Not particularly. Rather I'm just picking out one line of your post, correcting you, without reading the entire thread to put it into context. It's more fun that way.
  14. Which is what MKVCleaver is. But agree that its a fudge and only works on certain applications
  15. Wine. Although with caveats
  16. Or put another way, you telling SAB to put the downloads into /mnt/user/downloads, what you are effectively doing is storing the files within the docker.img file since you're not referencing /downloads. Think of containers as an independent system, and they only have access to the files / folders that you explicitly give them access to via additional path mappings.
  17. You've got a total of 1Gig memory, manual download would be the only way to upgrade as bonienl states, but 1Gig is really pushing the envelope for compatibility.
  18. Right now sab isn't putting the downloads anywhere according to the mappings. Or out another way, you set up the mappings except for /config identically on all containers that talk to sab
  19. Run am there scan of fix common problems and see what it says. Also post diagnostics
  20. You need to add a mapping to sab of /downdoads to /mnt/cache/appdata/downloads/completed. And tell sab to move the completed downloads to /downloads
  21. 18-5-13 09:27:01.4|Error|DownloadedMovieImportService|Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /mnt/user/downloads/complete/black panther 2018 1080p bluray x264 1-sparks/ Odds on, the problem is this: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  22. logs from radarr after a download has completed would be helpful
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