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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Today's update should be a quick and dirty fix. See how that goes. If it doesn't work good for you, then I'll add the download
  2. Are you sure you're using dlandon's and not bshakil's version?
  3. Try today's update and see if it doesn't let you see the files / folders ( You will probably have to re-run the extended test though)
  4. Installs fine for me on 6.5.1-rc5 The error implies out of memory. @jbartlett. Since this is a java app, would it make sense to add in environment variables to limit the java memory as some other java containers have done?
  5. Nope You would leave mover running on whatever schedule you want (say every hour). The rules for when to move are evaluated at that schedule. If you want to force all the files to move (say once a day) regardless of the rules, then you enable force and set a schedule for it. Regardless of any rules, hitting Move Now on Array Operations will always move the files. A Forced schedule only makes sense if its less frequent than the regular mover schedule. You would also get rid of the user script.
  6. If ever in doubt about a LSI/Avagio card, contact them. They are more than happy to let you know if the card is counterfeit or not. While I would never personally buy a LSI card via ebay being shipped from China, I did however take a leap and buy a card via Newegg for $25 new that was 100% legit according to LSI
  7. ok. I've left the forced move as a pure cron entry as, It's a ton less work, which is a big plus from my point of view If you're very astute, you can set "disable mover schedule", but also enable the forced schedule to allow you the utmost in scheduling flexibility that unRaid won't normally allow you. (If you're running this plugin, then its flexibility you want, right?) At the same time, I removed the option for Move Now follows the rules, as it didn't really make much sense in retrospect.
  8. Added in the ability to specify the position of the custom tabs, and place them anywhere (ie: in between standard tabs). Mainly because I save a mouse click by putting @dlandon's libvirt hot plug plugin on the tabs instead of within the VM tab. (And I wanted it to sit next to VMs, rather than at the end) See the OP for details.
  9. Many USB -> Sata Bridges do not pass through SMART attributes, etc. AFAIK You just add them as per normal. USB3 support added at least 2 years ago.
  10. It never will. If you click the folder icon, you will navigate to /media and then select that
  11. Yes. esata / usb. Although USB is not particularly recommended
  12. Extra Parameters (Advanced View)
  13. Q35-2.3 is no longer a supported machine type. Edit the VM, and you should be able to change it. No idea of the ramifications though.
  14. Edit config/domain.cfg on the flash drive (use Notepad++ if using windows -> not Notepad), and give it a valid path for VIRTIOISO (say /mnt/user/system) or where ever the virtio image is stored. Also change MEDIADIR to be /mnt/user/system and you **should** be in business.
  15. In VM settings are all the entries pointing to a valid share and is the location for libvirt.img pointing to the file and not a folder. If in doubt post diags
  16. Click on the share from the shares tab. Use Cache setting. Press Help for a full description
  17. Kinda workaround for the time being. Assuming that you've already had an application installed, reinstall it into a fresh docker.img via CA's previous apps section, but don't install them one at a time. Check off whatever you need and install via the Multi-button. It still works on a fresh install.
  18. unRaid. Share setting. Prefer means that if I he cache drive is full it will write to the array instead. YMMV as it depends though if unRaid knows the size of the file being unpacked in advance
  19. Try Prefer on the use cache setting for the downloads share.
  20. I will investigate on my end, but my reasonable guess is that the odds of this being CA related are slim to none.
  21. It isn't CA. The link to add a container doesn't change if there's 0 containers installed or 100.
  22. As far as CA is concerned, no. It's very strange from my point of view. Installing a container is a simple href to an address. No different than bookmarking a page on unRaid's GUI. I'll try later on with no containers installed.
  23. If you want to be super technical, the only version of unRaid that I actually ever test CA against is the latest rc. And I am unable to replicate any issues with csrf and CA.
  24. Nothing particularly jumps out in the syslog. But, word to the wise. You're better off installing Community Applications (https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/) and installing the apps via it. The repository system has always been a hair finicky regarding spacing, EOLs, etc. CA save you from all of that (and is the defacto way to install any docker or plugin application to your server)
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