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Everything posted by Squid

  1. That one's on me :sniff: :sniff:
  2. Try setting static DNS addresses in Settings - Network
  3. Instructions in the 2nd post on inlibe variables.
  4. Not on mine. Clicking "Statistics" in the top right will tell you if it's still running in Legacy Mode or not. Once the servers are back up and running, CA will automatically switch back to appFeed mode. It just won't give you the same download failure message again as it's already got an up to date fall back saved. EDIT: From a user perspective, there's very little difference between the two operating modes Appfeed mode automatically grabs the latest lists. Legacy you have to redownload everything (and in the case of a server outage, switch to appfeed mode, then switch back to legacy mode) Appfeed mode will display download totals and the baseOS for the various applications. Legacy mode will not Appfeed mode grabs the lists in <10 seconds. Legacy mode may take a minute or so to download all the various files
  5. Effectively that's what Legacy Mode is. Just not automatic. But, a backup feed is something that may happen under certain conditions in the future, but that is currently out of my hands.
  6. Up shot is that I've spent the day revamping how legacy mode works to avoid any apparent hangs if your internet speed (or available bandwidth) sucks. Unfortunately, can't release it as I can't verify that my changes don't affect the normal appFeed mode.
  7. Have you tried adding --restart always to the Extra Parameters section of the template
  8. True there. The convo was about why Legacy Mode isn't working for a minority of users, but it did start with the servers being down.
  9. Read up a couple of posts https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/?page=78&tab=comments#comment-647861
  10. There is no unRaid event for "Shutdown" . Array Stopping (which the plugin supports) is your option here.
  11. Getting Legacy Mode to work on a slow internet connection (where it takes more than 2 minutes to do its thing) is on the to-do list. It just doesn't come up very often that legacy mode is even required (but it is there for this eventuality), and combined with a slow internet. If it takes longer than two minutes, the "Updating" screen will never disappear, but it still does the thing in the background. Give it say 10 minutes, then just reload the page and you're in business
  12. A button appears called Legacy Mode (top right) which will let you use CA (The note is there on the screen telling you the feed failed). Reason CA doesn't automatically fall back is the majority of times the problem is on the user's end (DNS settings, etc) and I'd far rather have them fix that than have Legacy active, since Legacy will take ~30-60 seconds ish to start up (and if you have a really crappy internet speed, then it could take minutes and after 2 minutes, mginx in 6.4+ will automatically time out). All vs appFeed mode which will take worst case ~10 seconds to get things running
  13. Upshot is that the rare outages let me find out minor issues (mainly PHP warnings) that happen in this circumstance and fix them
  14. There's currently an issue that affects a minority of users and the docker tab,dashboard, and apps tab. If you're affected you'll see nginx timeouts in your syslog. Upgrading to the latest "next" version of unRaid should hopefully fix
  15. ok Started thinking about it today. Tomorrow ok for you? Easy to add an inline variable to the script (think I have them documented in the OP) to do just that. UI checkbox / whatnot would be in the same category as #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUdhaDCvPWY
  16. Exactly what I wanted to know. Helps out the helpers around here knowing the rules being applied since its not obvious
  17. Curious how this is being handled I purposely named my server to be incompliant (Server_A), and I see in the syslog that it's been automatically redone as Server-A (although the top right of the UI) still states Server_A. Server_A's webUI cannot be reached, but Server-A can be. Don't want the nitty gritty, but an overview of the rules which you're applying.
  18. Polite way of saying "Get off your ass on do the coding change?"
  19. Reload the page. Renaming the folders will change the "sort order". If you've already set a different name for it, then that name remains. (You can either rename them via the UI or by editing /scripts/scriptName/name
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