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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Does a check for updates fix it? You may just need to remove the app, then reinstall via Apps, Previous Apps
  2. Because later on in the .plg its referring to the filename. Leave the filename alone and update the URL and hope for the best
  3. An actual defect report for this: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/70381-unraid-650-built-in-gui-terminal-console-window/ Since the original is kinda vague, this issue doesn't affect the "Terminal" button on the dynamix webUI. Rather it's the terminal via the "Lime" start menu when booting in GUI mode. You can't move or resize (or close unless you type exit) the terminal, and it is also always on top of any other windows that happen to be open. Not the biggest priority to fix I'm sure, but very annoying when you do actually need it.
  4. loop2 is your docker.img Easiest, pain free solution is to stop the docker service (settings) delete the image (advanced view) re-enable the service, then check off all your apps via Apps - Previous Apps section and hit install. Couple of minutes later you're back in business Probably caused by unclean shutdowns.
  5. Because ruTorrent tells sonarr that the file exists in /downloads/completed, except that sonarr has no clue about the folder because it's not mapped in the sonarr container Add to sonarr a mapping of /downloads mapped to /mnt/user/Torrents and everything will begin to work. See here: https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  6. Admittedly I don't use Plex, but the way that I see it is that you've got an environment variable (TRANS_DIR) with a setting of /mnt/disks/..... Plex returns an error saying that /mnt/disks/... doesn't exist. Because it doesn't as far as the container is concerned. The only paths you've mapped are /config mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/... and /media mapped to /mnt/user/Multimedia Doesn't matter about the variable setting or not. Plex can only see folders on the host if you have them mapped. Adding another path of /mnt mapped to /mnt should get rid of that error (assuming you typed in the path correctly in the environment variable)
  7. Are you mapping /mnt to /mnt in the template?
  8. If I had to guess, you tried to update twice. The first time failed (error would've appeared), the second worked, but a basic flaw in a package manager trashed the install. Uninstall CA from the plugins tab (it'll be there with a jigsaw icon), then reinstall should do the trick. If it doesn't, a reboot will definitely do it. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/plugins/community.applications.plg
  9. Look in the real docker FAQ here. There's an entry regarding that
  10. Its "most", and most by a large majority IMHO I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "precaution". Heed the advice given by FCP (this is its thread after all). While some tests may be subjective, when I state there's an incompatibility with a plugin, I mean it - the plugin DOES NOT work and may cause problems. And with the new addition of the Update Assistant, you can see what I know is going to cause issues before you update the OS
  11. I think @bonienl has been making some strides in determining what the underlying issue is. Docker subsystem seems to be the common denominator on these issues.
  12. This one is is out of my hands, and is purely a webUI thing. TBH, I would recommend upgrading your system to 6.5.0, as support for 6.3.5 is basically finished.
  13. Edit the file /config/plugins/fix.common.problems/ignoreList.json on the flash drive (use an editor like Notepad++ Notepad will not work correctly here. Add this line to the top, but after the opening brace "Plugin unassigned.devices.plg is not up to date": "true", Your final file should look something like this: { "Docker Application Netdata has an update available for it": "true", "Community Applications not set to auto update": "true", "This plugin (Fix Common Problems) not set to auto update": "true" } I'll have to play around with this one though. UD just changed so that any and all new revisions of it are only compatible with 6.4.0+ (you're running 6.3.5) I'm wondering if you're hitting a bug in 6.3.5's plugin manager where it's playing havoc with this warning.
  14. What's not ignoring? Your diags show 3 problems, all ignored and then it appears you re-monitored the plugin not up to date Mar 22 16:08:38 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Plugin unassigned.devices.plg is not up to date ** Ignored Mar 22 16:08:39 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: unRaid OS not up to date ** Ignored Mar 22 16:09:06 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: CPU possibly will not throttle down frequency at idle ** Ignored Mar 22 16:10:07 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems Version 2018.03.21 Mar 22 16:10:10 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Plugin unassigned.devices.plg is not up to date Mar 22 16:10:11 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: unRaid OS not up to date ** Ignored Mar 22 16:10:26 raid_01 root: Fix Common Problems: Other Warning: CPU possibly will not throttle down frequency at idle ** Ignored
  15. I vote for "inside"
  16. Looks like you tried it Mar 21 @ 4:24 (then dashboard @ 4:45, update @ 4:51) Did you try reloading the page (after waiting a couple of minutes) Was anything really going insane on the server at the time (eg: Plex going full tilt transcoding a stream and using all available resources?)
  17. Settings - docker - disable the service Shares - select your shares for where the docker.img lives (defaults to system), and your appdata share. Set them to be use cache:Prefer Main - Array Operations - Move Now When mover is finished, re-enable the docker service
  18. The setting no longer exists. Instead of backing up the xml's, due to the wisdom of various other people here, the entire libvirt.img is being backed up which includes the xml's, nvdata, etc.
  19. Updated Update Assistant to properly handle "next" releases. There's now 2 buttons. One will check against the "Stable" version, and the other will check against the "Next" version of unRaid (You must already be on 6.4+ for the "Next" button to appear)
  20. Sounds similar if the docker service didn't restart. Probably lucky though that the server didn't actually crash
  21. You would have to install the old version instead (enable show deprecated within CA's settings). Due to many users having problems with the rsync used in the old version (basically rsync would crash the system trying to figure out potentially a million files), the v2 will NOT ever have that in there.
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