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Everything posted by Squid

  1. No issues with the .plgs that I'm aware of. The issue with both of them is that the url specified in the template doesn't match the URL specified in the plugin. I can work around that.
  2. Not going to comment on your actual problem, but don't do this. Permissions on the appdata folder may or may not bear any relationship to what New Permissions sets them too. That's why Fix Common Problems includes a docker safe New Permissions tool that specifically excludes any changes to the appdata folder
  3. Without knowing squat about owncloud, you're probably going to be better off utilizing either @dlandon's app or the official app instead of gfjardim's
  4. Those are hidden metadata files created by your Mac. Safe to delete
  5. Personally, if I heard this from a member of the Plex support team, I would bitch and complain to no end since Plex Inc does support running as a container, and whether or not its on unRaid is completely irrelevant.
  6. The log is full and you haven't rebooted is the key. There's something wrong with the server and that has to be addressed first. The log filling up to 100% in a month plus is nowhere near correct
  7. Drop compatibility with unRaid 6.3.x / 6.2 / 6.1. Minimum OS required now 6.4.0 Remove all compatibility code Less annoying highlights on search results Fixed reference to URL for alternative app icon image Removed Icon display mode Always have the apps displayed centered, regardless of browser width or number of results Revamp of 'Searching' info popups Removed link to announcement thread for repositories Added ability to display changelogs on plugins when an update is available Because of the skin changes (and more importantly that I'm not really in a position to test anymore on 6.3/6.2/6.1), support is now dropped for anything but 6.4/6.5
  8. Allow unRaid's webUI to utilize the full width of your browser instead of being limited to 1920px #!/bin/bash sed -i 's/max-width:1920px;//g' /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/styles/*.css
  9. Looks like the template was made with an ancient and buggy version of dockerMan. The solution is this Change the network mode from Bridge to Host I'm going to pop a mod comment onto the app until such time as this gets worked out.
  10. So that no one gets scared off, https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/59647-support-djoss-crashplan-pro-aka-crashplan-for-small-business/?page=17&tab=comments#comment-652394
  11. You can edit it all day long. In basic view mode, you can simply type the appropriate path, or in advanced view the Edit button will appear. On any application nothing is stopping you from adding any additional mappings. You pretty much have to anyways to access your media within a container.
  12. It appears when you hit show more settings. Personally, I would let Radarr, etc do the moving rather than Sab, but in this case you would do something like map /complete to /mnt/user/media, and set up your Categories as DVD, BluRay, mkv etc, and tell Sab to move completed downloads to /complete
  13. No. Possibility for the future though.
  14. Nope. It goes through your installed / previously installed apps, determines what's not referenced any more by an installed app, and offers it up to delete. That's why there's the double confirmation before it does anything.
  15. Finally, someone who takes the possibility of crosstalk on cabling serious
  16. @wreave, whom I understand is involved in the development. Of which I have no problems with.
  17. Here's when it runs: On initial install when going to it's settings * After an update when going to it's settings * 10 minutes after an array start (background) On the schedule the user selects When pressing Rescan * If a scheduled run happens before going to FCP's settings, then a scan will not happen. Put in a feature Req for errors to be logged. The test in FCP is classified as "Other" It will log the fact (if logging is enabled), but it will not trigger a notification from FCP.
  18. LT recommendation is disabled mover logging Only the first time. After that it only rescans on your schedule or when pressing rescan
  19. Set the # of days to keep backups, and have the frequency shorter than that. Running every 7 days and keep for 28 will always have 4 backup sets available.
  20. Epic nobel is a container you installed, and didn't give it a name. Starbound you probably named it as such. The plugin gets its info directly from docker, and doesn't worry about how its been installed.
  21. User scripts plugin Script would be similar to docker restart deluge
  22. No and no. (Although you can turn on my own logging which will state when its going to skip running mover and when it does start it. No logging on when its done though.
  23. The Backup never finished by the end of that snippet. See what happens when you manually click "Backup Now"
  24. Good catch. I never would have noticed on my system. From my system: @limetech mdNumDisks="23" mdNumDisabled="1" mdNumInvalid="1" 23 is correct (22 data + 1 parity). Both disabled and Invalid though are incorrect. I originally did play with Dual Parity, decided against it for various reasons. Would've done a new config as what I was using for Parity 2 did get reused as a data drive. A quick glance through other user's diags shows Parity 2 status as always being DISK_NP_DSBL when not installed.
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