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Everything posted by Squid

  1. FYI, Starting with the next rev of unRaid (6.6.0-rc1?), a new attribute on plugins is available: support Used for the URL to the appropriate support thread for the plugin. <PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" launch="&launch;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;" min="6.4.0" support="https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/38582-plug-in-community-applications/"> If the attribute doesn't exist in the .plg file, then CA when installing a plugin will automatically add the attribute to installed plugins when it installs one (based upon the support thread in the plugin's XML). In other words, you don't need to add this attribute to any .plg But, if you've added a support link into the README.md file, then that should now be removed so that the link does not appear twice on the plugins page.
  2. I assumed that you were mounting it in /mnt/user so that you could see the photos over the network by hitting the unRaid server
  3. Probably because unRaid expects a root folder in /mnt/user to be under its control and properly support extended attributes. Why not mount the volumes under /mnt/disks instead where unRaid won't touch them, and then export them over smb manually if you need to
  4. Docker stats does not display the core(s) the container is able to run on. If you are looking at the CPU%, then the percentage on a 4 core system goes from 0 up to 400%. Best way to see core usage is either through the NetData app, or cAdvisor app The s is correct
  5. Enable destructive mode in UD's settings (Press HELP for further info)
  6. Symbolic links that are created on /mnt/user/... do not carry over when referencing the share as /mnt/cache/... Interestingly enough, symlinks created on /mnt/cache/... will carry over to /mnt/user/... Plex makes very extensive use of symbolic links, so you're in a catch-22. Personally, I can't stand Plex, but I believe you can export your watched status to something like Trakt and then rebuild your appdata on /mnt/cache and get your watched status back.cd
  7. Or to expand further, since Kodi Headless presumably will be running 24-7, all updates of media it handles instead of the client boxes having to do it since they are presumably not on 24-7 On the other hand, if you have a kodi box / computer that is on 24-7, then kodi-headless is pointless as you can have the 24-7 box handle the updates instead.
  8. I've had baremetal machines that don't want to hibernate and/or shutdown under certain weird circumstances. If danioj's script ever becomes foolproof and/or rock solid then that's a different story.
  9. Thought about it many times, and I don't want to go there Seems to me, there are too many "what-ifs" on shutting down / hibernating a VM in order to properly handle a backup of the vdisk. KVM / QEMU does support snapshots, so this should ultimately get integrated within unRaid itself
  10. It's a tapatalk thing with relation to forum links. Clicking any link referencing a particular post via tapatalk will take you to either the first post or the last post of the thread. It will never take you to the correct comment. Workaround is to press and hold the link and then tell tapatalk to open in browser instead.
  11. Nothing to do with CA at all (its on the Docker Page). If anything, this is a Dynamix thing because it doesn't do a "tail" on a docker log (undecided if its for right or for wrong). Here's what's going on. When the Chrome window get a new line to display it winds up having to regenerate the entire thing. It all takes time. As more and more lines get added, the longer it takes, until finally Chrome says that the page isn't responsive (because it itself hasn't finished rendering).
  12. Actually, I toned down my response. The CSS thing aggravates me to no end (mainly because I spent 3 hours trying to figure out why the display wasn't working right when it did the day before). If further reports come through about it actually interfering with CA beyond a display aberration, then I will no doubt lose my shit.
  13. The preclear plugin injects code into each and every page in unRaid's GUI for some inexplicable reason. I know that its a guarantee that how I intend certain things to look are modified slightly because of that because the preclear plugin redefines unRaid's CSS and causes some display aberrations. While its the first report to my knowledge of this, I can't really say that I'm surprised. My opinion on preclear is if you do wish to run preclears, then only install the plugin when you are actually going to be using it. If it's not being used, then uninstall it (and the companion plugin statistics)
  14. Here works, with step by step on how to reproduce
  15. Looking at the code, it should work. I'll have to get back to you The log snippet from when it's in auto mode, then switching to the schedule, then when the schedule is finished would be helpful.
  16. Enable the settings for automatic switching. Add a schedule to disable it overnight.
  17. docker logs nameOfContainer > /boot/containerLog.txt
  18. Doesn't particularly matter, but "read/modify/write" would be how you want it set initially The number of data disks that are allowed to be spun down before turbo mode is invoked. IE: 0 means all disks have to be spun up for turbo mode to kick in. 1 means that all but one data disk is allowed to be spun up, etc Nope. It just enables / disables the setting according to the parameters you set. It overlaps. The command to turn on turbo runs every minute, and you've also set it to last for 60 minutes. There's 59 overlaps in every hour. Sure. You can force turbo mode on (enabled) or off (disabled) at certain time periods. When the schedule expires, the setting in Disk Settings takes effect. Depends. For small files, Windows (if you're measuring through it) may calculate it including the time required to spin up the drives. The real advantage in turbo mode is large files and/or many small writes consecutively . Personally, I don't bother with using turbo mode at all. I get around 60-70MB/s over the network writing to any given array only share, and most of the writes to the array happen automatically by various docker clients, so I can't even tell (nor would I care) if a transfer takes 1 minute or 5 minutes.
  19. - The usual minor CSS adjustments - Added in autocompletion on searches. Suggested terms are NOT the only terms you can search for.
  20. Not a real good idea on this one. Does selecting a category bring up results? Does clicking on the author's name bring up results? What browser are you using? Is this a touch screen laptop?
  21. It'll run a second instance. To have it avoid that, your script needs to check if its already running In pseudocode: if tempFile exists then exit create tempFile the actual script here remove tempFile
  22. I know. One of those stupid things I can never seem to find the time to change.
  23. And the three originals can now only be reinstalled if they've already been installed. New users will only be presented with the bundle. FCP will also let everyone know about this.
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