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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Marvel based cards aren't recommended any more. Many users have no problems with them, but alot suffer from parity check errors, drives randomly dropping, etc. Best off to get a LSI based card instead Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  2. FYI, FCP running the extended tests looks for duplicated files. (same file name existing on multiple disks in the same folder).
  3. try the update. The other was a special build just to see which test was giving the problem.
  4. Shouldn't matter. Here's the thing. That drive particular drive (disk 3) for whatever reason crashes the hdparm command. But disk 2 which is an identical drive works. No real idea here. What I've done though is water down the test to only look at the Parity disks. They're the only ones that really matter on the test anyways. The test was at least getting through your 1st parity. If it still crashes (when it hits parity 2), my advice is going to be to remove FCP.
  5. one last thing then /sbin/hdparm -N /dev/sdf
  6. But what was the last thing it showed before it crashed? Or did it show nothing?
  7. huh. Save the attached file to the flash drive and then do /boot/test.php Also grab another syslog after running test.php
  8. ok. Can you do these commands. It may crash your system though, but its just doing the same test as where its crashing in the plugin. /sbin/hdparm -N /dev/sdc /sbin/hdparm -N /dev/sdb
  9. ok. I see what test its failing on. Can I see your diagnostics.
  10. Nope. Not only you. I got a little too rambunctious and deleted the skin that's also used for 6.3.5 inadvertently (had to revert my server to test). Gimme a couple of minutes
  11. You could always install the "old-fashioned" way https://lime-technology.com/getting-started
  12. Try this. From a command prompt, cd /tmp wget https://github.com/Squidly271/fix.common.problems/raw/master/archive/fix.common.problems-2018.01.20-x86_64-1.txz installpkg fix.common.problems-2018.01.20-x86_64-1.txz Then, open up the log window on unRaid's UI and go to Settings - Fix Common Problems If the log Window doesn't show Fix Common Problems and start scrolling, then hit ReScan Post the output when it crashes
  13. There is that script available. My problem with VM backups is that for various reasons I've gone back to dedicated hardware for all but one LibreElec VM, and there's a ton of variables to account for - shutdowns, what to do if it doesn't shutdown in a set time period, what about if an update on Win10 winds up being installed, etc etc. I think that by far the better solution is for unRaid (or a script) to support snapshots which eliminates all of the various issues.
  14. Got your PM (yes they're safe to post publicly). Your problem is identical to this one: If you want, tomorrow I can bang together a special version of FCP for you to manually install to see exactly where the issue is.
  15. Something else is wrong. From the local console (or SSH), can you do this then tail -f /var/log/syslog > /boot/syslog.txt and then install FCP and when it crashes the syslog will be saved on the flash drive
  16. You would need to post what's showing before that. Ideally the diagnostics or at least the syslog Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  17. The ad blocker test ( @bonienl supplied it to me way back when ) means that your browser is removing an element on the FCP page that's designed to trigger ad-blockers (but is in no way an ad - pretty standard test AFAIK). The test is there because some ad blockers do interfere with the operation of unRaid's UI. Obviously your's isn't, but is still triggering the error. I wouldn't worry about it. Click "HELP" or Credits, and all will be made clear. GitHub is my avatar. And it is https to begin with.
  18. Its from the default template (current version) 24 Minutes... No it shouldn't. 1 minute tops
  19. 58846 vs 58946 refer to setting up @binhex's VPN apps in either VPN mode or normal mode AFAIK. You could term it a false positive, since that's how it's suggested to set up the apps (by removing one of them). It's been previously suggested to me to put in a special test for binhex templates and I have elected not to because IMHO if the ports are listed in the template but not on your installed app, then it is an error / warning. That, and its easy to ignore (IE: don't want to go down the road of having checks for individual apps where its perfectly acceptable and even desired in some cases to set it up as such - I just don't have that much time on my hands) The extended tests are basically full file system checks - permissions, duplicate filenames. What you wanted to hit was "Re-Scan" These are the warnings / errors that are ignored that are found in the last scan This is the list of ALL errors / warning that you've ignored, regardless of whether its found on the last scan or not. It's there to let you re-monitor an error that you've previously ignored, it isn't currently present, but you want to be alerted for should it happen again.
  20. As far as I can tell, the array started up no problems. Your apps are running, FCP did its thing 10 minutes after start (and you manually hit it 5 minutes after start) Outside of suggesting the probably won't solve it, but why not you've got nothing to lose of clearing your browser cache, and/or a different browser I don't have much to suggest
  21. And? Would make things easier to help diagnose if you could paste the syslog here.
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