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Everything posted by Squid

  1. What you did was search for "Plex", then ignored the results that showed up and then had it search dockerHub, and then added it from there. You're going to be best off to delete the existing container, then re-add Plex (but use one of the ones that comes up when you search). Will make your life easier in the long run.
  2. Pretty much no one uses repositories anymore and many maintainers including linuxserver don't even bother posting the url in the threads and just let community applications handle everything for you instead.
  3. Bug If ISO Library location (tested on that. Didn't test the storage for domains) has spaces contained within it, then the first "word" is automatically created.
  4. All scripts when run in the foreground show that.
  5. Its a command line (mcelog) Next time an mce happens, the output from mcelog will be logged in the syslog so that diagnostics will show it.
  6. Install the nerd pack plugin via the apps tab. Set need pack to install mcelog. Reboot and wait for the error again
  7. ok. Can't test everything when I did the script itself. Save that script on the flash drive in your scripts folder as parity_test.php (make sure that it's CR not CRLF) Add a script to user scripts that is: #!/bin/bash /boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/parity_test.php & Setting it to run at array_start should now work
  8. Anything user.scripts directly runs it automatically converts any CRLF to be CR. Any script that the script itself may call will have to be CR only
  9. Yes No. Alphabetical All the ones that were running
  10. I don't recall the exact technical problem, but it is only the baitshares IIRC
  11. #!/bin/bash docker pause binhex-sonarr docker pause binhex-radarr docker pause binhex-delugevpn
  12. Tried it, and everything is up 100%. Just for giggles, try setting static DNS addresses of and in your network settings.
  13. Not following you. The script the you specify is executed in order.
  14. IDK I've got no problems. Try Dolphin instead.. TBQH, I wouldn't expect any updates to this container.
  15. Your best bet if any problems with this container is to remove the app, delete the appdata for it, and then reinstall.
  16. 2017.09.23a was released that fixes everything. NB: basename won't work if the user manually adds in subfolders. Instead, I remove $source from the excluded path
  17. oops. (You can tell I don't use excluded folders myself). Give me two hours
  18. Updated so that the frame now has focus in the window. IE: Keyboard now works on URL custom tabs You will have to either make a change (any change) in the settings for the plugin, or reboot the server for the update to refresh the code for the tabs. TLDR: TBH I didn't see a problem with simply shift / alt not working. That was just a PITA. But, when I went to actually use Krusader today and discovered that the entire keyboard didn't work at all, I figured that I probably should fix it. My bad guys. Apologies.
  19. One other comment. The filename of the .plg should be unique. The plugin system does not handle collisions on plugin filenames at all, and effectively if there are two plugins with the same filename, they both cannot be simultaneously installed.
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