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Everything posted by Squid

  1. This version of the plugin is now deprecated due to some flaws with regards to filesystems handling mass deletions. If you have no problems with this version of the plugin, there is no need to change to the v2 version here, but there will be no further development on this version. If you do happen to switch over, then this v1 version will need to be uninstalled.
  2. Let me know. In the meantime, I'll throw a comment within CA to not use the Edge variable.
  3. CA Appdata Backup / Restore (v2) Due to some fundamental problems with XFS / BTRFS, the original version of Appdata Backup / Restore became unworkable and caused lockups for many users. Development has ceased on the original version, and is now switched over to this replacement. Fundamentally they are both the same and accomplish the same goals (namely, backing up your Appdata share and USB / libvirt), but this version is significantly faster at the job. This version uses tar instead of rsync (and offers optional compression of the archive - roughly 50% if not including any downloads in the archive - which you really shouldn't be anyways). Because of using tar, there is no longer any incremental backups. Rather, every backup goes into its own separate dated subfolder. Old backups can optionally be deleted after a successful backup. Even without incremental backups, the speed increase afforded by tar means that there should be no real difference in the end. (ie: A full backup using my appdata on the old plugin takes ~1.5 hours. This plugin can do the same thing uncompressed in about 10 minutes, and compressed in 20 minutes. The optional verification of the archive takes a similar amount of time. An incremental backup on the old plugin using my appdata averaged around 35 minutes). The options for separate destination for USB / VM libvirt backups is changed so that if there is no destination set for those backup's then they will not be backed up. Additionally, unlike the original plugin, no cache drive is necessary, and the appdata source can be stored on any device in your system (ie: unassigned devices). The destination as usual can go to any mount point within your system. Unfortunately because of no more incremental backups, this version may no longer be suitable for ultimately backing up offsite to a cloud service (ie: via rclone) You can find this within the Apps tab (Search for Appdata Backup). The original v1 plugin should be uninstalled if migrating to this version.
  4. Windows counts each symlinked file as a separate file, so its size is always completely out to lunch. If I run properties on my plex folder, (and run it to completion) the size on disk (and the size) is many times larger than the cache drive. The only valid way of getting the size is via the command prompt: du -h /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass The last line is the total size.
  5. First question of course is how do you know it isn't using /mnt/user/appdata/binhex-plexpass? Do you check that folder? Beyond that, I don't know anything about what could be causing this.
  6. You should do this: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345 Outright easiest way is to delete the docker image (settings - docker - advanced), recreate it then re-add the apps via Apps tab, previous apps section
  7. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    Why does a certain docker application always start when booting unRaid when autostart is set off? One of two reasons: CA Docker Autostart Manager is installed and configured to start that application. (Any application which CA Docker Autostart Manager manages will appear as autostart = off on the docker tab. or The application's template has within the Extra Parameters section the following option --restart=always That particular option will ALWAYS start the applicable application when the docker system initializes, regardless of any autostart option. The usual use of this parameter is to ensure that if the application / container crashes, it will automatically restart. A side effect is that it will always start up at initialization
  8. Won't work the way you have it, but this will: Set your vm backup to go to your appdata share (not to the backup location) and is run as the docker stop script, then appdata will handle everything else, deleting old versions (if using dated backup sets)
  9. Possible CA bug. Is there an icon above the Get More Results From Docker? You have to click on it to get the results from docker hub
  10. There's a revised script posted that removes a couple of the lines to fix this.
  11. I'm surprised that a search for segator through CA didn't pull up the results included xpenology
  12. In CA settings enable her more results from docker hub
  13. Alpha version already working more or less. Sometime in the weekend is the release. Upshot is an insane speed increase. My full backup time is 10min from 1.5 hours. With compression it's 20 min. Downside is that initially it doesn't appear you can do an incremental backup with deleting files no longer present without running through it twice. So no more incrementals, along with the fact that with a single file its not really suitable to upload to the cloud offsite
  14. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/48286-plugin-ca-user-scripts/?tab=comments#comment-475625 That's for running manually. For running on a schedule with different variables, you'll have to create separate scripts
  15. This is one of the rare plugin threads where I don't encourage that. As the OP states, Besides, most of the posts here are either Me talking to myself @CHBMB trying to get under my skin
  16. Everything's up and running for me. Cloudfare must've had a temporary outage. Why Legacy mode still exists - the appfeed is the one thing that I'm not 100% in control of.
  17. tools - diagnostics simplest way thru the gui
  18. I don't think its about mounting. More about the load shares. Neither one of my servers see any of my Win10's when Looking for servers (all same workgroup, etc) Manually pop in the IP, and UD won't populate shares via Load Shares. I never really cared as Win networking is crappy at best, so never reported as its easy to simply type in the stuff EDIT: Could be wrong though
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