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Everything posted by Squid

  1. At what point are you seeing this? Only at the initial array start or on all subsequent scans?
  2. See here: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/61976-solved-docker-not-enabled-in-community-applications-but-is/ TLDR: Check for updates to CA
  3. How do you know internet and DNS lookups work fine? The github test is the test to see if your server has internet connectivity (so that unRaid etc can check for updates, etc) and is a simple ping to github.com Could also be that when you were running the tests github was down.
  4. *Should* be fixed on today's update. But kinda hard for me to test for it
  5. On your flash drive, does this file exist? config/plugins/statistics.sender/dismissed? If not, create it. Anything can be in the file If there is nothing showing on the flash at all, then unfortunately you've been kinda nailed by a design defect in the plugin where *if* the flash drive happens to drop offline (usually caused by using the flash drive in a usb3.0 port instead of 2.0), then the plugin nags and hounds you to install the statistics sender and in effect crashes the entire webUI (Unfortunately, the plugin for some reason does NOT check to see if the flash drive actually exists and is valid before it nags you to install stats). In this case your best is indeed to uninstall the preclear plugin (easiest way would be to delete preclear.plg and statistics.sender.plg from config/plugins on the flash drive via SSH and then reboot.)
  6. I also agree. Of all of styles thus far, it really nails down that unRaid is something that you can have some fun with and not have to be an expert to run a VM / docker application, etc. Everything else is just too "professional" looking
  7. Any chance your date and time on the server is out to lunch?
  8. So? It'll just do it the next day If it's because of notifications then disable unraid checking for updates and CA will still do Its thing
  9. It's been built in for a long time now. That plugin should be uninstalled
  10. Its just a simple search for the term in the Name, Author, Repository, Description, and Category.
  11. How are you installing? Via entering in the URL or via the Apps Tab? Could be a failure to resolve the DNS addresses. Try setting static DNS addresses of and in Network Settings
  12. Bus errors are when the system tries to execute a command on an odd memory address. Ultimately this is a bug in PHP / Linux Kernel as its impossible for a script to do this. You can try running a memtest to rule that out, but it happens maybe once every couple of months on my AMD system for absolutely zero reason. IE: ignore it
  13. No its not. You deprecated SickBeard. CP is still available
  14. While GitHub being down is possible, its more likely that the failure is incorrect network settings on the server Verify that you have a default gateway set to the IP of your router, and you can also set static DNS addresses of and
  15. Just FYI that if you do not have the problems, then do not run FCP in this mode. On a properly running, stable system if you want logs preserved after a reboot, use the Tips & Tweaks plugin instead
  16. Post the logs from radarr after you've made the adjustmebt
  17. Nope. Radarr handles all the moving for you from the completed folder that sab tells radarr the file is sitting in
  18. One of those rare special jobs where I wake up every morning and ask my wife if I'm allowed to quit
  19. /data does not match between the two applications. Here's why it doesn't work the way you have it. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  20. Not really. You could however schedule something via user scripts plugin and execute this line: echo "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/fix.common.problems/scripts/extendedTest.php" | at NOW -M > /dev/null 2>&1 But there's currently no way to disable to start / finished notifications.
  21. You have a very large syslog. Possibly recurring errors in it constantly. But either way, FCP has to accomodate that. Won't be fixed however for about 1.5 weeks (I'm AFK)
  22. Quick test: Any path for /storage beyond /mnt (ie: /mnt/user/Movies) also fails.
  23. 6.4 If you set /storage to be /mnt instead of /mnt/user you will get the UI But, attempting to open MKV files to process gives a messed up window that looks like it crashes to container
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