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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Symlink / hardlinks in English (vastly simplified) Imagine a file named "x" that requires 100Meg to store. Such and such program wants to store a copy of that file under the filename "y" Without symlinks / hardlinks, the copy would take up another 100Meg. With links, the copy doesn't take up any extra space, as the "y" filename simply points to the exact same data that "x" does. Plex makes very extensive use of them, and any backup of Plex's appdata without handling symlinks / hardlinks is pointless. Either add the switches, or use CA's appdata backup.
  2. On already existing shows, Sonarr does not look for missing episodes etc unless you explicitly tell it to. Normally it just looks at an RSS feed to see what's new. If a missing episode happens to be in the feed, then it will download it. Have it search for those episodes you're missing
  3. Its now backing up libvirt.img instead since that has everything. Just disable VM's, copy libvirt back from the backup location to where its normally stored (maybe make a backup of the one in there at the moment). Restart VM service, and your xml's should be there.
  4. Did you test the connection to the download client?
  5. LSIO issues updates to their containers every Friday which will pull the latest and the greatest version of the app itself. Just update the container via the docker tab every Friday (or install the autoupdate plugin to do it for you). Not generally recommended to update within the app itself for LSIO containers.
  6. Until it runs you won't see anything. You can see the cron line added by cat /etc/cron.d/root BTW, Deleting a script won't actually delete the cron entry, but the first thing I do when executing a custom cron is to see if the script still exists and if it doesn't to immediately exit. Far simpler programming. But, anything that you do that requires you to hit the Apply button will wind up deleting the cron entry.
  7. Nope. Set it and forget it It should. I'd be surprised if I forgot to handle that situation (been awhile since I looked at the code), but if you see an update tonight, you'll know why.
  8. NZBGet is far far more efficiently programmed (C++ vs python)
  9. Are you using one of the built-in schedules or a custom cron?
  10. Can you elaborate and post a screen shot? Not sure what you mean exactly by see only script. This implies that both the application feed and GitHub were both down at the same time. The two different methods (appfeed and legacy) hit completely different sources. Probably the problem lied somewhere from your ISP. I tried this morning and everything is all hunky-dory...
  11. If you're running the script in the foreground perfectly normal. If you're running it in the background no idea Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. I'm not that far ahead of you either. Personally I feel that any author has the right to put a donate button wherever they choose. My own choices is that it's there on every plugin but usually hidden within the help text so as to not annoy everyone with it constantly in the users face.
  13. In the forums around here with a lot of searching. Never noticed when the share list came into the tool that comes with unRaid. Probably 6.3 something which is way after when the tool was created.
  14. If you got to statistics within CA and look at template errors you'll see why CA is automatically dropping them.
  15. Its part of fix common problems. And like it says, its identical to New Permissions that comes with unRaid, but won't touch appdata.
  16. In CA go to previous apps and delete (hit red x) the other template Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. You don't want docker attach. That simply redirects the container's stdin / stdout / stderr to your monitor & keyboard so that you can see the output of whatever the container might be trying to display. What you're looking for is docker exec -it active-transmissionvpn /bin/bash (or sometimes bash isn't installed in the container so you would use /bin/sh instead) Side note, sudo is pointless on unRaid, as you're already running as root and have full privileges
  18. You have to add them via the add template and fill out the info. Adding via a manual command will not give the edit Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. Buddy has Enhanced Syslog installed, and that line is the header indicating the color coding for the following lines.
  20. Like all add on applications, install the Community Applications plugin first then go to the apps tab.
  21. With this now being available, I'm going to deprecate the already existing CrashPlan applications (both of them), with a note that existing installations will cease to work October 2018 and suggest to migrate to Pro or find a different solution
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