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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Is bait files enabled? Does bait files show as running? What does it state for number of bait files being monitored?
  2. I'm having trouble with lockups / crashes / etc. How can I see the syslog following a reboot? All 3 of the methods below will continually write the syslog (as it changes) to the flashdrive up to the moment the lockup / crash / reboot of the server happens. unRaid runs completely from RAM, so there is normally no way to view the syslog from one boot to another. However, there are a few different ways to grab the syslog from one boot to another. Method Preferred: ENABLE THE SYSLOG SERVER AND MIRROR THE SYSLOG TO FLASH DRIVE (SETTINGS - SYSLOG SERVER) Method 1: Via the User Scripts Plugin: Install the user scripts plugin, and add this script to it set to run at First Array Start Only: https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/48707-additional-scripts-for-userscripts-plugin/?page=5#comment-581595 Method 2: Via Fix Common Problems Plugin Within Fix Common Problems settings, put it into Troubleshooting mode Method 3: Via a screen session or at the local keyboard & monitor tail -f /var/log/syslog > /boot/syslog.txt Pros / Cons Method 1 will create a new syslog file on the flash drive at every boot so that you can compare / not lose any historical data for reference Method 2 logs a ton of extra information that may (or may not) help with diagnosing any issues. This extra information being logged however may contribute to a crash due to the logging being filled up if troubleshooting mode is enabled for more than a week or so. Also requires you to re-enable it on every boot (by design) Method 3 Information is identical to Method 1, but requires you to reenter the command every time you want the information. Additionally, if this is not entered at the local command prompt or via a screen session, then closing the SSH (Putty) window will stop the logging from happening. BIG NOTE: In the case of lockups, etc it is highly advised to have a monitor connected to the server and take a picture of whatever is on it prior to rebooting the server. It is impossible for any script to capture any errors that may have been outputted to the local monitor
  3. Automatically save syslog onto flash drive Set the script to run at First Only Array Start in the background #!/bin/bash mkdir -p /boot/logs FILENAME="/boot/logs/syslog-$(date +%s)" tail -f /var/log/syslog > $FILENAME
  4. Truthfully: Do you care? But thus far, nobody has been able to pinpoint the actual cause. What filesystem function is failing? And until that happens so long as most users have zero problems with /mnt/user and some have "strangeness" it can't get fixed as no one knows why... Binhex-sonarr: Just installed it using /mnt/user No problems. No issues in the docker log or in the app's log... I'm sick of it too and want it fixed, but there's something else at play that we've never been able to nail down. If I was ever able to personally replicate the problem, I would figure out what's going on and why, and submit the defect report. Media shares, etc won't have the problem manifest itself on. The issue is with /config folders (ie: the appdata)
  5. Completely agree. Which is why every time I see a post from a developer talking about switching from user to disk share I usually respond with Why - What's the actual problem? so that this can get fixed.
  6. 6.2.something LT introduced symlink / hardlink support, and then refined it a release later as they missed "special" files The problem is that no one is able to actually reproduce the issue (or more to the point, reproduce it and state with certainty what is actually failing). All of my containers run using /mnt/user trouble-free (incl, Plex, Radarr, Sonarr) I have a feeling that the problem is somewhere filesystem related (or the appdata share traversing multiple disks) But, I do agree that many users (not all) have issues with /mnt/user for the config folders, and that regardless you're always going to have the least amount of trouble specifying a disk share instead of a user share for docker appdata. The entry in the Docker FAQ does reflect this.
  7. Very few unRaid 5 compatible plugins, and the ones that still are compatible are no longer being maintained. Basically v5 is a dead horse. You really should update to 6.3.5, but if for whatever reason you choose not to, you can only install plugins that are going to be listed in the legacy section of the forum https://forums.lime-technology.com/forum/59-plugins-v5-and-older/
  8. And to clarify the IP / Port setting. Application gets started. System waits until IP:Port is active. If it's not active during the time delay, the system carries on with the next app. The IP and Port does not have to be the IP / Port of the application itself. You can set the IP Port to listen to a completely different server (or anything on the web) before carrying on to the next application.
  9. It's been removed for various reason from the apps tab. Better alternatives would be cAdvisor app / Netdata app / ca.resource.monitor (a front end to cAdvisor)
  10. Error displayed now fixed (appeared if all containers set to managed start). Time is in seconds. Update available
  11. You would want to use EmbyServer/metadata assuming that the folder that you're backing up is Appdata
  12. Sorry. Been away with work for a couple weeks. Will check out the exact FORMAT to use tonight or tomorrow Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. First question though is the array started? Can't look at the code until late tonight.
  14. I'll have to look at it. What version of unRaid?
  15. After the array is started Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Not yet. But the stock script doesn't work 6.2+. There's a patched version in the linked post above.
  17. Fair enough. My use case for smb mounts is to mount shares from a secondary server so that my docker apps can access the files Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  18. If you don't give it a port to check against then it uses the timer Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. Is it possible somehow to introduce timeouts or something. I had the same thing happen when my internal network was messed up, but never bothered to ask about it.
  20. There's a few posts in the Real Docker FAQ about running docker containers that don't have templates available.
  21. Yes. And the exact same command the plugin uses...
  22. For those suffering from lockups etc after the backup is completed, during the removal stage of old dated backup sets, I am currently testing (in between my work's unreasonable demands upon my time) a slightly different way of starting the deletion process. I still have never been able to replicate the issue, but I have come up with a theory as to what might be going on (and why the lockup's don't occur if manually removing the directories via the command line using an identical command)
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