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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I thought that would eventually happen. Surprised it took so long though. I'll check it out
  2. Today's update is required. In and around the middle of August, all versions of CA prior to today's update will cease functioning due to a change in the URL for the application feed.
  3. You can use dated backups and still only copy changed files. Use attempt faster rsync in the settings. The first couple backups will have to copy everything, but once a backup is slated to be deleted due to its age, then it will wind up getting updated with changed files instead. Personally, I don't bother with dated backups though.
  4. The errors that occurred should be logged. It should have still restarted the containers though...
  5. Fix it. When its fixed, lsio will be able to pump out updates to the templates (ie: ports get added, etc), and you will in most cases pick up those changes automatically
  6. File is stored on the flash drive (FAT32), so everything is world-writable. Looks like there's no log of the old transfers being saved.
  7. Look at my PR on ubooquity that @sparklyballs already accepted. It listed everything with the mistake. CA doesn't make use of that tag, but FCP shows a URL of "array" if the mistake is there and the container is installed.
  8. The problem is actually a template error on the part of lsio. I already fixed ubooquity for them to let them know what the problem was, and dropped @CHBMB a line to let him know about 8 other templates (those 2 were part of them) that suffered the same issue.
  9. The plugin utilizes hdparm to check the status of the drives which will be more accurate than what's reported with unRaid's GUI. You can always enable the additional debug logging, and then post your diagnostics here. But don't leave it enabled as it will basically spam the log with the output from the various commands as it runs.
  10. You really should post your diagnostics as it does appear that there is corruption on it. Once posted, perhaps @johnnie.black can help you.
  11. DMCA takedowns? Hard to tell without logs from sab Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  12. Click the icon to get more results Btw what version of unraid? The icon should be centered Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  13. 114 results on a search for discourse
  14. This is from the preclear plugin (the rc.diskinfo issues)
  15. I could be wrong. But that is my understanding
  16. Any flavour of linux can read the formatting done by unRaid and access all the files no problem. Its if you format a drive outside of unRaid, toss data into it, and then expect unRaid to read it (if its assigned to the array), then the partitioning scheme won't allow it to work.
  17. I'm going to talk out of both sides of my mouth here. @NAS This isn't a bug at all. Rather its a design choice by @dlandon to have UD conform to industry standard norms on partitioning. If you want to label something a bug, then the "bug" lies squarely on LT's shoulder's since they are not conforming to industry norms, and unRaid will trash a drive formatted outside of the array if partitioning isn't what it expects (regardless if a parity drive is installed or not) That being said, this does have to get changed. With UD now being slated for inclusion in the base OS, a reasonable expectation is that the partitioning scheme on a format should match the array so that the drive doesn't get repartitioned. The better solution however is to have the OS recognize and not repartition anything that may not conform to its standards, and allow the drive to be added to the array (when parity isn't present) without losing all the data on it.
  18. And further refinements / enforcements: Certain template errors which were originally being fixed by CA are now being reclassified as fatal. These include: Multiple <Repository> entries. IE: CA used to pick one off the top of its head, and I've now decided that is the wrong way to go about things. Multiple <PluginURL> entries. Same as above Anyone can always look at the statistics pop up in CA and click the link for template errors and see what templates have what wrong with them. CA has numerous tests and fixes for various common mistakes that authors make on their templates, and the stats display will show everything that is happening under the hood.
  19. Domains: standard storage place for vm vdisks should be cache only or cache prefer ISO used for installation media for the VMs no real reason why it needs to be stored on the cache at all. Only used once during initial install of the VM. Set to use cache no or yes System used as the default locations for the docker image and the libvirt image. Only because of the docker image it should be use cache only or prefer
  20. Minor change in XML requirements going forward. Either <Description> or <Overview> is required. Any template (plugin or docker) missing both of these (or empty) will automatically be dropped from CA. You don't need both either one of them (standard v2 templates have both, v1 only has Description). If the maintainers can't be bothered to create a description for the app, I can't be bothered to have the app available in CA. As of this writing, there are 7 apps from various repositories that fall into this category. Any release of CA after 7/22/17 will incorporate this requirement change.
  21. Definitely not that. During development, I was regularly testing have 20+ backup sets that needed to be deleted. Its the linux kernel (specifically the remove (rm) command) that's getting hung up. No clue as to why it happens for a very small subset of users.
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