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Everything posted by Squid

  1. <Changes> [a href='link/to/project/changelog' target='_blank']Project Changelog[/a] Container Changelog: . . . </Changes>
  2. Needs to be done by the maintainer. And why lsio doesn't update them is because they do automated weekly updates. Hint hint maybe they could put a link to the projects changelogs
  3. Change the host port on sab. Simple and easy. Btw diagnostics are all anonymized. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  4. I was hoping for the whole screenshot, but it appears the problem is this: time="2017-06-17T20:44:48.181332593+02:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /containers/134dbc03f12a/start returned error: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint sabnzbd (7526baafe1d518db9deda142ac1107319920f674e1f53cbaf46dce849afde753): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use" Port 8080 is in use. Do you have another app already using that port? If not, your best bet is to remove the sab container and image, reboot, then reinstall it either via Apps - Previous Apps, or the Add Container Template Drop down and select the my-sabnzbd user template. Either way, all your appdata will still be present and accounted for.
  5. Post your diagnostics (Tools - diagnostics) before rebooting, and additionally, a screenshot of the docker Tab (top right switch from Basic to Advanced view)
  6. Followed the onscreen directions for EFI. Everything works perfectly, just decided after the fact to get the BIOS, and as cheap as I paid for the card ($10 US shipped from CAN), don't want to take a chance on bricking it. Toolset_H310H200_2_LSI9211_P20.00.07.00_v4.zip
  7. @Fireball3: I successfully crossflashed a PERC200, using the EFI scripts. I did elect to not bother with installing the BIOS onto the card. But, I think that I would actually like to have the BIOS present. To install the BIOS, do I just start over again and rerun 1.nsh, etc?
  8. From a PM... Edited to remove certain details It's because of the inotifywait. When running at array_start, the script has to finish. In this case, the inotifywait sits there and waits for whatever trigger(s) you're setting, and the script won't complete until that trigger is hit. What I would do is create another script set to run at array start. And have that script set to call your script like this: echo "/path/to/the/actual/script.sh" | at NOW -M > /dev/null 2>&1 This will create another background process that'll run the real script. When manually running in the background, userscripts automatically does this. The process is a little different during array_start/stop, and the hourly / daily / monthly schedules, and scripts run in order one at a time, and must execute to completion.
  9. Auto update plugin Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  10. .fuse hidden happens when fuse has a brain fart and is delayed for some reason in deleting a file. They do eventually disappear. Some people have problems with using user shares with plex I don't and others don't no real answer as to why
  11. I think that the message is probably from when mover is kicking in. Never really noticed it on my system, and when I see it in any diagnostics here, I just ignore it. If it is mover, just disable the logging for it (I don't really see the need for logging mover to be turned on all the time)
  12. Generally, I'm trying to get away from converted templates, but since it is a unique app in CA, I've added it in.
  13. If it knows about it, then it will. If it does not (ie: episode was marked as being missing) then it will not.
  14. Hard to say. Generally, something is modifying / deleting the file(s).
  15. A better quality became available, and you didn't have sonarr to to cut off at your existing quality And, if you're winding up with dupes, then as far as sonarr is concerned, the existing file doesn't show as being within sonarr, so it will naturally download any missing episodes. Have sonarr rescan the disks for episodes
  16. Switched from backing up VM XML's (and NVRAM) to instead backing up the libvirt.img. Will make restoration easier of a VM. As before, restoration of the libvirt.img is a manual process, and is not part of Restore Appdata System is now compatible with 6.4 when notifications are enabled. All 6.4 users are advised to reboot after installing this update in order to put the system back into a known state.
  17. What everyone is asking you for is to check the settings within Radarr's UI (or post screenshots). Don't worry about it - its passing the date&time
  18. Can't stand plex myself, but AFAIK with lsio to utilize anything other than the latest stables, you have to manually specify the actual version you want on the template. Should be more info in their thread, or post the question there
  19. Until I get time to release the next update that will instead backup libvirt, that's the only way to do it. Copy and paste the contents from the backup location into a custom template. See a couple of posts up
  20. I don't know. The issue is happening because AFAIK this is the only template that is having 2 separate mappings for what is ultimately going to appdata. There is also nothing stopping you from completely removing the host paths totally from the template and then let the user select where /data goes to. But the actual implementation isn't exactly how jonp stated, nor did the /unRaid mapped to /mnt ever get implemented
  21. limetech's images are all static images. IE: You have to wait for them to update the container to get the updated application. And AFAIK, it doesn't support the PlexPass specific beta versions at all. For something like that, you're going to be better off switching to using linuxserver's version of Plex.
  22. What you're seeing is proper behaviour on dockerMan. The template you've specified is being passed correctly: <Config Name="AppData Config Path" Target="/config" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /config" Type="Path" Display="advanced-hide" Required="true" Mask="false">/mnt/cache/appdata/ownCloud/config</Config> Since unRaid 6.2.something, dockerMan automatically adjusts any path that it feels is a /config folder to match the user's system (ie: the default docker config path). This was implemented because template authors all have a nasty habit of assuming that the path's that they specify in the template for appdata actually matches the user's system. IE: You're explicitly specifying /mnt/cache/appdata/ownCloud/config. Your path is assuming the user has a cache drive assuming the user organizes everything into a share named appdata assuming that the appdata share is a cache only share (and not prefer or no) dockerMan is fixing all of those assumptions for the user and substituting the default appdata path/$nameOfContainer instead. So on my system, I'm seeing as the /config path /mnt/user/appdata/ownCloud. (even though I have a cache drive) The real problem here is that dockerMan only ever touches the /config mapping automatically. It is not touching your /data mapping at all, and leaving it with the same assumptions that you're making above. Why you're able to get it to not do this by adding the template directly via dockerMan, I am not sure, but everything is working as it should be.
  23. Not seeing that. I did an install, changed it to /appdata/cache/ownCloud/blah, then did a reinstall using default values and it came up with /appdata/cache/ownCloud. Are you sure you didn't hit Edit (the gears)?
  24. If its getting late then we're obviously in different time zones so it's a flip of the coin of I'm online at the time. But there's a ton of other people here too. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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