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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I incorporated the ability to run user scripts within it. You can use the auto_vm_backup script from @danioj to accomplish this. @jonp has previously stated (IIRC) that snapshots, etc would get incorporated soonTM into unRaid so I've been hesitant on adding the feature into the plugin. But, should my VM ever die on me, then I'll probably incorporate it as I'd be kicking myself at that point.
  2. Turn on show advanced settings and you can change the built in Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Quick googling shows this: lsof | grep inotify > /boot/inotify.txt Then edit the file inotify.txt on the flash drive (using Notepad++)
  4. Probably the recommended way of changing the watches is through the tips and tweaks plugin, but what you did is fine.
  5. From looking at the history for Dynamix on GitHub, it appears that Bonienl has modified dynamix to prevent unnecessary disk spin ups for unassigned devices. Won't be published however until 6.4RC7+
  6. Anything executed in the "go" file is run before the array is started. Mounting the drives is going to wind up spinning up the drives. While I can't comment on why the drives won't spin down when mounted with UD, what you're going to want to do is either: Set up a script with UD that runs after the mount happens and starts a background process to spin it down after your timeout happens Run your script with the user.scripts plugin to do the same thing.
  7. The file attached to the post. Save it on the flash drive, then enter in that command. I got rid of the popup in the hopes that something might appear. It's a hail-mary.
  8. The browser is timing out on the response from the code. And since there's no response the popup won't close. Not sure why as I've ran that popup waiting for a response for over a half hour at a time. Try: A different browser Clearing browser cache or navigating to instead of /server and try again. The last resort is to download the file attached to the flash drive then cp /boot/UnraidDVB.page /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/UnraidDVB/UnraidDVB.page[code] Load the DVB settings again, wait say 10 minutes, and maybe something will appear on the screen. After that, I'm completely out of ideas since neither I nor @CHBMB can replicate. (Beyond completely simplifying your network and basically going back to a stock normal network) But try the above ideas first. UnraidDVB.page
  9. That's fine. Slower than mine, but more than acceptable. Only other possibility is a javascript error. Can go back to the settings, load unRaid DVB, wait a couple of minutes, then: (I'm assuming you're using Chrome) Right click anywhere within the window and say inspect. Within the new window, click on "console" and then post whatever errors appear.
  10. Does this command work without an error (and how long does it take) curl --max-time 60 --insecure --location --fail https://files.linuxserver.io/unraid-dvb-rc/
  11. I've looked at the code again for DVB, and I don't see anyway that the popup wouldn't disappear, even if a fatal error happened in the code. I can see however that under a weird network situation with the multitude of downloads that DVB has to do (one per each version), each with a timeout of 1 minute that it could take awhile to complete under very strange network circumstances. Another alternative is that the unRaid install currently running is buggered itself with corrupted files / whatnot that's preventing / crashing the javascript code, in which case the manual update to RC6 would fix it.
  12. Any chance that you're behind a VPN? Or some weird network setup?
  13. Various improvements to the Multiple Previous Apps installations Fixed: Clicking outside of the install button would attempt to install Fixed: Selected Apps would not stay selected following a view or page change Added: Ability to select apps from different pages and have them all install
  14. It will work, but unfortunately, it's not going to be enabled, and the way that it's set up you can't enable it. (Perhaps @bonienl will adjust the plugin in the future to not have the restriction that a SSD cache must be installed for the UI to appear) What you want to do is create this file on the flash drive /config/plugins/dynamix.ssd.trim/ssd-trim.cron # Generated ssd trim schedule: 0 0 * * * /sbin/fstrim -a -v | logger &> /dev/null Followed by this command: update_cron (This'll run the trim everyday at midnight) Alternatively, since you don't have a cache drive installed, it's just as simple to install the user scripts plugin, and have a script that is simply /sbin/fstrim -a -v | logger &> /dev/null And then use user scripts to manage when it runs. (Doing it this way you can also uninstall SSD trim, as there's no requirement for it to be installed)
  15. Do you actually have an SSD as a cache drive? or is it an unassigned device? IIRC the plugin only displays the settings if you have SSD Cache (but it'll work with all SSD devices attached)
  16. If nothing else, the backups after a week or two will only take ~10 minutes instead of 1 hour as it only has to copy changed files
  17. Backup frequency: weekly (7 days) Days to keep backups will be 9-13 days Day 1: Backup Performed (New) Day 8: Backup Performed (New) Day 15: Backup Performed (Overwrites Day 1) . . . Manually performing a backup on say day 3 will result in there being 2 backups on Day 15 being scheduled for deletion. Once will get overwritten, but the other will get deleted at which point the linux rm command will puke. I can probably work around the rm, but the process will be very noticeably slower
  18. Disable both the use shares and use bait files. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  19. You (and 2-3 other users) all seem to have the same problem in the same part of this. Namely where its deleting the dated backup set that's too old to keep. This is done by the rm bash command (in your case) rm -rf /mnt/disk3/CommunityApplicationsAppdataBackup/[email protected] This is out of my hands, and I have no clue as to why its failing. But, ultimately, the rm command doesn't really even need to be executed if you reconfigure the plugin a bit. Either forgo dated backup sets, and just use a single one. Or, enable attempt faster rsync, and make sure that your backup frequency and the time to keep dated backup sets means that there is only ever a single set that will ever get deleted when a backup runs. The faster rsync option instead of deleting the dated backup set, instead renames it to what the new set would be called and then rsyncs into it, only copying files that have changed. Running backups manually however will result in there being an extra backup set at some point being present that will result in a deletion. Personally, with my use case, I don't see why I need a backup from this week, and the one from the week before, so I don't use dated sets.
  20. Use the user.scripts plugin. (If the scripts are capable of being run on your server)
  21. Outside of permission issues on the NFS share (which I can't help you with) the only thing I can suggest is to make sure that the access mode to the path you added on the template is set to RW:Slave
  22. Pass through a mapping on the template saying /downloads mapped to /mnt/user/Media The within Sab's settings you tell it to store incomplete downloads at /downloads/incomplete and completed downloads at /downloads/complete
  23. You need to mount the remote share using the Unassigned Devices plugin. Then you add another path mapping to the template (/media2 mapped to /mnt/disks/xxxxxxx with an access mode of Read/Write:Slave) Then within AirVideo, you tell it to find your media at /media2
  24. Nope. You want to give a docker application access to a share from another computer on your network. The FAQ entry is how you do it.
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