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Everything posted by Squid

  1. You never need to reset up the paths. Via the docker tab you can add a template (select the my user template) everything will be filled out for you. Under the apps tab go to previous apps and reinstall. Same thing all your paths are already filled out. Under 6.4 with the apps tab you can check off multiple apps at a time then install them all with one button press with no interaction needed at all from the previous apps section Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah, I think the original title didn't specify shrink, so yes I glanced, looked at the headache, and posted. But, even there its still probably easier to just delete the image, and redownload the apps. 30 seconds later with no template changes required you're back in business. But it is kinda cool to know how to do a shrink via the command line.
  3. Oops Missed that you were shrinking not enlarging
  4. Ugh... Very, very simple to enlarge the image https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-565307
  5. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  6. Put it this way. The only way that I can see it being possible for the problem is when FCP issues an HDPARM (standard linux) command to figure out if there's an HPA partition on the drives. Not sure at the moment what to possibly do about it.
  7. We should create a poll somewhere Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  8. And yours is more "do as I say with no explanation at all"
  9. I've always hated your explanation of the phenomena. Much prefer mine: You were probably using blackholes and drone factory
  10. No real good answer for you at this point in time. Just remove it.
  11. Then you must be really annoyed with the apps tab. Probably 60-70% of the apps in the description have a donate link underneath them. Not to mention that there's places within CA itself that offers a donate for CA itself.
  12. Not the IPv4 expert, but your DNS addresses of and are invalid https://db-ip.com/ Use and instead in network settings
  13. Did you install the NerdPack plugin and set it to install Perl?
  14. Network failure usually means that the gateway in network settings isn't set to the ip address of the router Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  15. You need to check that your download client isn't download into the docker.img and then moving the files out of it when its all complete. Everything should take place outside the image file. Alternatively, set your download share to be useCache: Prefer. That way if the cache drive happens to fill up, the downloads will still complete / post process, but will utilize the array instead as an emergency.
  16. You're right. I misinterpreted the picture. But at least the audio system is Sony. (And you have a kick-ass cellphone)
  17. No. Why should @CHBMB be relegated to watch a show on a itty-bitty tablet when he's got his 82" 4K TV with 7.1 surround and subs installed within his theater lazy-boy.
  18. You're living the dream. I've got the garage only for tool storage, and my office I have to share with our freezer and furnace. When the last of the kids moved out I started making plans to relocate the office to one of the extra bedrooms and was told in no uncertain terms "No".
  19. Your mappings for the downloads do not match on all three containers they must all match exactly. Set the mapping for Radarr and sonarr to be the same as sabs
  20. You need to post your mappings for your download client along with the mappings for both radars and sonarr
  21. config/plugins/ransomware.bait/filelist has the list of every file monitored. If its listed as being monitored (and you say its show 117,000), then it should be in the appropriate folders. You'd have to confirm via the command prompt though. eg: ls /mnt/user/Movies
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