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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Post the xml file (/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/my-{whateverYouNamedTheContainer} on the flash drive) after it fails to install To me, it appears that possibly you're using some weird characters within the password entry that's messing up everything (or the flash drive is pooched)
  2. Squid

    Docker FAQ

    How do I install a second instance of an applications? There may be some use cases where you may wish to run a given application twice, with separate appdata settings, ports, etc. Assuming that the container runs as network type: Bridge, On the Apps Tab (you do have Community Applications installed don't you?), Go to Settings - Enable Reinstall Defaults Go to the Installed Apps section, Reinstall using default values the application you want to run another instance for Change the name of the application, along with assigning it different ports, paths (you may need to show advanced settings to see the appdata (/config) path) Hit Apply If the application runs as network type: Host, you will do all the same as above, but you will need to switch network type to be Bridge, and add in all of the applicable ports and reassign them as needed. (ie: check with the support thread and/or the project URL to determine which ports need to be defined Alternatively, (under either Bridge or Host network types), if you are running unRaid 6.4+, then you can also assign the new instance a different IP address and keep the ports the same (bridge mode), or not define them at all (host mode). But you will still have change the name of the application and set the appdata (/config folder) accordingly
  3. Try this as a custom cron entry 0 5 * * 0 [[ $(date +%e) -le 7 ]] && Should run the backup first Sunday of every month @ 5am Nutshell is that that cron entry is every Sunday, but you're entering in a script also that checks if the Day is <= 7 and only then executes the script which I'm supplying Obviously not tested since its not the first week of August
  4. For the improper shutdown, increase the shutdown time before forcibly killing the container. This is a docker thing. Stopping a running container will always try to do it cleanly, with an adjustable timeout before its killed. If its doing some sort of task, then take your chances on keeping things running. "Open" file backup. Keep everything running. But then you also run the chance that the backup is incorrect because one file is in the middle of being written to, and another related file hasn't be written yet, etc etc. Open files on backups will always possibly result in indeterminate states on an ultimate restore that may or may not render the application non-functional. Up to you.
  5. IIRC photoshow is very slow with tons of pics. Compounded by your PI. But you should be asking these questions on Linux servers forum as detailed in the OP Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. Strange because it's there in your screenshot Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Copy the config folder somewhere safe, then reformat, set unRaid back up and copy the config folder back. But, it appears that at least part of the config folder is corrupted (the config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user folder) Not the end of the world if you have to completely redo the templates (would be basically reinstalling the applications, but your appdata wouldn't be affected), but it is a PITA But first thing to do is if there are any files with a zero byte length in that folder, delete them.
  8. Its looking at the root (/) folder of the docker container. Select input or output on that dialog you've got up.
  9. And after checking, look in /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user (and templates) if there are any zero byte files, delete them.
  10. Same error? If so, then your flash drive is corrupted. Toss it into a computer and check the file system on it.
  11. Its one of 3 things docker image completely full docker image corrupted cache drive corrupted and mounted read-only Posting your diagnostics would tell the story
  12. Updated to better handle spaces (and lack of spaces) in search terms. Previously, searching for "Openfiles" wouldn't return any results while "Open Files" would. Now either term will result in the same results. Should make life easier.
  13. Yes those two commands will work and properly shut things down. Personally due to muscle memory, I use powerdown -r for a reset and powerdown for a shutdown The powerdown plugin is deprecated (its been integrated into the OS). The commands themselves are not.
  14. unRaid will still try and update the templates for containers at every boot (which will fail of course), which takes some time before the VMs start up. Many feature reqs about disabling that "feature"
  15. Sounds like the templates stored on the flash drive (config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user) are corrupted, or the flash drive dropped offline. Probably the latter. Is your syslog (tools - syslog) filled with "Bread" errors?
  16. Without filing in the port number, how you've got it will result in a strict time delay between containers. I would guess you need to put in 53 into all of the ports (but leave unify with no port entered)
  17. Same site that's linked to in user scripts EDIT: Albeit user scripts goes to http://www.corntab.com which used to work. Now it doesn't. Only http://corntab.com works
  18. No reason that I can think of. I don't really support the scripts (even the default included). They're just samples
  19. Install community applications and then go to the apps tab and search Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  20. You would mount a SMB share from the Windows box using the Unassigned Devices plugin on unRaid and save it there.
  21. It'll actually go to any mount point. Which means you can send it to another flash mounted via UD or a seaparate computer or even the cloud with appropriate other plugins
  22. Should work. Or simply #!/bin/bash powerdown And set the schedule to run when you want.
  23. The lsio guys are going to ask you for this https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/#comment-564345
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